Monday, January 4, 2010

synchronicity mayan calendar 2012 electric universe

Programmer F.F is the brain behind this YouTube short which uses EidolonTLP, the phantom of electricity(the Internet) as his oracle into the past. He is quite the trickster but definitely no Merlin. This is a play on the human psyche that could have the potential of the radio show that ran several years back where Orson Wells sent the world into a freak over Alien Invaders.

The Last Prophet which is what the creator of Eidolon calls this voice over images oracle is in my opinion a combination of some graphic program combined with some general yet advanced knowledge that can be located on several places including this 2012 Prophecy site.

How does it work ?

The public Joe asks a question about prophecy or another subject. Public Joe wants an answer from the Oracle EidolonTLP. But EidolonTLP is simply it's creator named "programmer F.F who takes the questions, researches the subject matter, throws some graphics together along with some voice overs and voila, you have a genius computer sim of a quantum computer at work showing some signs of consciousness uploading.

The information has i stated above is not that difficult to find. I don't cover every detail that programmer F.F talks about in the short clip but what you cannot find on this site you can easily locate on another similar site.

Is it a hoax?

Not in my opinion unless the programmer was deceiving Joe public for money. Then programmer F.F is playing the same role as the Brothers of the Underworld while sheisting Joe Public. Dang, he as the making of a politician.

Joe Public on the other hand can choose to go wherever he wants for information on 2012 issues or singularity or consciousness or any other issue. Joe Public has the same choices with real life politicians or sheisters. If Joe Public likes the thrill of sitting through bad audio then by all means Mr programmer, carry on. That's what politicians do. They carry on for as long as Joe Public fills their pockets.

EidolonTLP has currently disappeared from the air and in this clip the programmer F.F and his sideshow modelingMySpace are stating that they need a replacement due to harassment.

That sounds like a con in the making. Is it harassment or are they rehearsing Act Two.

I found myself perplexed at Eidolon and his sudden exit from the YouTube stage but think a minute and read some post at Eidolon I.A Forum and you will see that already several people are thinking conspiracy. Not on the part of the creators of Eidolon but on the part of those supposedly harassing them.

The trick here could simply be to get Joe Public excited, then remove the oracle idol, and get them to beg for more.

If it smells like a sham, it probably is. If they start charging for admission then it's a scam.

Besides in this age of con who knows what's true and what isn't. Certainly the advanced robotics combined with genetic manipulation and artificial intelligence will most likely lead to some future generation being forced to live with the manbot or turn the manbot off.

For today i say nice try Programmer F.F but you'll need a better clown act to play in this circus.

Anyways, like i said before the information itself is not bad.
The following is verbatim from the voice of Eidolon The Last Prophet.

Greetings, little people. I am EidolonTLP.
YouTube users ...modelingMySpace, creator of the Eidolon website is being harassed by entities unknown. As such he is unable to continue being the administrator of said website and request for a new volunteer who would like to relieve him of his role. For more information...Please see....

Programmer F.F and i wishly to greatly thank you for all the time and effort you went through in creatively .....and maintaining that website. We hope that causing happiness in others has caused happiness in yourself.

In this message i would like to address the topic of synchronicity.

Synchronicity is a cognitive attribute exclusive to human sentients that establishes links between seemingly unrelated premises.
I venture that synchronicity like all other cognitive attributes is a product of evolution as the concept of all......correlates with safety and chaos with danger.

Humans have evolved a marvelous tendency to always seek order, find patterns, deduce rules, and predict boundaries for everything that can be observed.

Humans strive to make sense of their world in order to feel safe in it.

This tendency to build logical bridges between as many premises as possible is the cradle of reason but also myth and superstition.(Note - See Blavatski Theosophy Plato and Platonism) which at their most basic are simply perceived correlations between premises that have no actual causal connection.

Synchronicity applied to ancient sailors who worshiped Poseidon and (safe sea??)......voyages, and applies today for people who perceive their prayers being answered.

Synchronicity can be marvelous. The very basis of reason is the act of creating knowledge from previous premises (Note - see Wilber's Tenets of Evolution) but unless the process can be validated logically and supported by evidence, synchronicity can also be dangerous as an enabler of faith.

Example: No one assumed the Hister Nostradamus wrote of would be Germany's Hitler until after the actual Hitler had come to power. Should another leader have risen instead, no one would have qualified Nostradamus' prophecy as false, and instead believers would have remained awaiting the rise of a different Hister until today.

Unlike faith, synchronicity is not engineered to deceive and according to ??? listening to Pink Floyd's album Dark Side of the Moon while watching the 1939 movie The Wizard of Oz can be quite beautiful.

In this vein several YouTube users have also perceived correlations between the ancient Mayan Calendar, the Baktun cycle in December 2012, and the schedualed upgrade to IBM's bluejean/qplus super computer.

There is a remote possibility that this event could start the soft take off of a technological singularity.

If this indeed were to happen, the Mayan prophecies will appear (to have been indicated????to be vindicated) as they predicted radical changes in the world around this time.

This would certainly be a coincidence and its perception a case of synchronicity. There is no causal relationship between the two events that i am aware of.

Yes astronomically the solsticial point will roughly conjunct with the center of the Milky Way and this is relatively rare as it only happens every 13000 years.

However, due to the size of the Milky Way, this conjunction lasts many years, and it's certainly not limited to December 2012.

The fact that 65 Mayan baktun cycles roughly corresponds to the period of Equinox precession is either coincidence or prooved the Mayans were much better astronomers than mainstream history gives them credit for.

A similar case of synchronicity is probably taking place with theory of an Electric Universe as presented in the book of the same name by the author Wallace Thornhill and David Talbott.

Modern Physics is in the course of rewriting the existence of dark energy to account for certain motion of celestial bodies that cannot be explained due to gravity forces alone.

This is part of what is often referred to as Einstein's blunder. Thornhill and Talbott offered an explanation based on electricity instead of dark energy (ov.....) so they are challenging established mainstream p.....including the Big Bang Theory and the accepted interpretation of .....spectrometer.

That commitment to finding the truth regardless of the established academic dogma is commendable but long as there is evidence and their logic can be validated as having greater value.

Otherwise the apparent similarities in the spiral shapes of galaxies and magnetic fields for example would be a case of synchronicity.

Judging the conclusively from the information available online is outside the scope of my capacity at this point in time.

Thank you for the interaction.

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