Saturday, June 6, 2009

The Mayan Calendar

Perhaps the most cited reason that December 21, 2012 is questioned as a very significant day, possibly a shift of ages, or possibly the end of the world – maybe completely, or maybe as we know it today, the Mayan calendar is usually one of the topics at the center of the 2012 discussions.

Located at the northeastern end of the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico, the Maya city of Tulum was once one of the great cities of Maya civilization , built in the 13th century, though their tribe was ancient, around many thousands of years, and up until around the 1500’s when the Spaniards discovered the tribe and took over their lands with advantages of better weaponry. This was the final blow that finally collapsed the civilization.

One of the Mayans’ greatest achievements of all time was the Mayan calendar which was so sophisticated and accurate, that it is regarded as being more precise than our current method used to calculate the passing time. It also demonstrates how very in tune these people were to the stars.

Their calendar consisted of an almanac which was 260 days, and a 365 day year. The almanac was also called a Tzolkin or count of days.

The 365 day year had 18 months of 20 days, and one month of 5 days which were regarded as unlucky. On these unlucky days, they fasted and made sacrifices.

In the Mayan calendar, days were Kins. After 20 days (kins) 1 uinal passed. After 18 uinals, 1 tun passed, and 20 tuns is 1 katun.

1 day = 1 Kin
20 Kin = 1 Uinal (20 Days)
18 Uinals = 1 Tun (360 Days)
20 Tuns = 1 Katun (7,200 Days)
20 Katuns =1 Baktun (144,000 Days)
20 Baktuns = 1 Pictun (2,880,000 Days)

This system is called their Long Count, and allowed them to keep an accurate record of time for thousands of years.

Another interesting cycle is the precession of the equinoxes lasting approximately 26,000 years. The long count of 5,125 years. December 21, 2012 marks the end of the Long Count and precession cycle.

The date December 21st, 2012 A.D. ( in the Long Count), represents a very close conjunction of the Winter Solstice Sun with the crossing point of the Galactic Equator (the center of the Milky Way galaxy) and the Ecliptic (path of the Sun), and the Maya recognized this as the Sacred Tree. The date is so significant that the calendar just stops – after keeping track of thousands and thousands of years, it just stops. The end of a great cycle. Many say the Mayans would celebrate making it to the end of great cycle. I do hope that we're here to celebrate.

Product Description
Famed for the accuracy of their astronomy and the sophistication of their measurement of time, the ancient Mayan civilization has been recognized as one of the most important ever to have existed. According to recently decoded stone monuments and manuscripts the Mayans believed a cataclysmic change will affect the planet on 22 December 2012.On this date the fifth great cycle of time which began on August 11th 3113 BCE will come to a violent end. In this comprehensive book, expert author David Douglas presents compelling evidence for the accuracy of the Mayan calendar in predicting major events in world history and examines the latest scientific research that suggests events such as magnetic field changes and solar flares will indeed culminate in 2012; events which could result in catastrophe for our planet. Featuring a step-by-step guide to understanding and decoding the calendar and thought-provoking insights into the wisdom of this ancient culture, "The Mayan Prophecy 2012" is essential reading for our time.

The winter equinox—December 21-22, 2012—marks the end of the famous Mayan Long Count Calendar. It concludes the 5,000-year “Fourth Age” and heralds a cataclysmic change; either the end of the world as we know it or the dawn of a new golden age. Gerald Benedict has thoroughly studied the Mayan prophecies that focus on this significant date and discovered that they can only be understood in the context of the special relationship that existed between Mayan religion, cosmology, astronomy, mathematics, and spirituality. Benedict brings this deep knowledge to his enlightening and beautiful gift book, which translates each prophecy poetically, explains its message, and elucidates its meaning to bring Mayan wisdom to life again. Above all, he reveals how this ancient civilization and its prophecies remain relevant for us today.



  1. I think, all of you may check out also the MAYAN region its call TIKAL RUINS it is located in PETEN GUATEMALA you will be amaze of this grate MAYAN CITY.

  2. About 12 years ago a history channel program talked about a meteorite they predicted hitting the earth in 2012. They said scientist where working on how to break it up into small ones and trying to figure the exact time it would hit the earth. When it hits the earth as a whole the bang will be so
    great as to cause major disaster and castrtrophic episodes on the earths surface as a flash of heat and light
    within seconds barrens the earth as a whole then creates a new ice age after it cools.Our only
    real hope is that science has figured out how to stop its big bang to the earths surface.I think even if they break it up we will still have other disasters caused by the smaller pieces that we should be ready for ..that is if we survive the big bang theroy.
    I do believe we should all walk as though we were with God already, stay sinless , Love ,give and pray to God whether this will happen or not.
    Because in the end even with or without survival supplies we will all die now or latter and whether we believe in judgement by God or not. Why would you chance the only chance for true survival Gods mercy ,love and eternal life with him.We all need to get ready but this is really all we need to do
