We use actual data (facts) to predict events that will occur in the near and long term that don't necessarily have to coincide with prophesies. In fact we prefer that data stand on its own as do the resulting predictions without any biasness to prophesies.
But our book 2012 Predictions is proving to be quite uncanny in lining up with prophecies. In fact, we provide many prophetic books as a bonus so you can see the proof for yourself.
Here are some of the topics we cover:
Environmental - Two lakes, two different continents, two years apart completely disappear. How does this impact the United States?
Social - There is a group currently recruiting for an American Jihad. They are using a very prominent social web site to do so. Your teenager may be or become part of this movement.
Economic - If the stock market hasn't crashed in late 2007 it will without a doubt when this happens in 2008. Your Congressman and Senator knows about it. You may want to look at moving to all cash positions.
Planetary - Did you know that the Mississippi River once flowed backwards? It did and several states are getting prepared for such an event again. It will be more catastrophic this time around.
In our book 2012 Predictions we cover other topics including diseases, nuclear war, global warming, World War III as related to biblical prophecy, water shortages, future oil supplies, and weather changes. Also, we examine the real intentions of Russia and China. The Bear sleeps and the Red Dragon slumbers but not for long (These two countries are taking advantage of the U.S. right now and it will get worse in coming years, a lot worse).
You owe it to yourself to find out what is really going on in our world today and what is going to happen tomorrow. Coming events will have an impact on your family, finances, and the way you live in a very profound way. Better to be proactive instead of reactive.
"Wow, what an exceptional book!"
Ayesha E.The Press and Radio Bureau (UK) Ltd.Devon, United Kingdom
Would you like to know what is probably going to happen between now and 2012? We have identified 9 major risks that could change the we all live today. Any one of these risks could pose a huge problem by itself but when combined with any of the other risks we are in trouble.
That is exactly what is happening today. A perfect storm is brewing and we will be threatened by all types of issues in the near term. What are you doing to get prepared?
Our book 2012 Predictions details in more length some of the topics we discussed in our free eBooks. We also cover many more topics of risk. Here is what you get with your order:
2012 Predictions
FREE Bonuses...
The Seven Churches of Revelation
The End of The Mayan Calendar 2012
Nostradamus Predictions
The Nuclear Attack Code
The Papal Prophecy
The Gold Prophecy
These books will change the way you think about the future. We guarantee it!
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