In case of a catastrophic event on December 21, 2012 I would like to supply a preparation guide to help get through in case of an emergency. There has obviously been a stronger buzz going around about this date that has not only been predicted, but also showing signs of scientific possibilities in recent years. The date is only 4 years away and it's never a good idea to wait until it's too late to start thinking of a game plan.
Constantly pay attention to any natural disasters / changes to the world as we know it and take note of how much more effective these natural changes are becoming.
Saving some extra cash is never a bad thing. Could it be a bit tough with today's economy? Absolutely. But if you create a mindset to save "X" amount on a weekly basis, you can easily accomplish that.
Have a 1 - 2 month supply of water / non perishable food. This is especially essential in storm prone area's.
First Aid Kit / Medicines. This is something that everybody should have at all times.
Store a sleeping bag / blanket in the back of your vehicle. Even if you never have to use it, it is always better to have it and not use it than not have it and obviously not be able to use it.
Being prepared is not a difficult task at hand. Once you do it, you are set. Spread the word to friends and family and help them in becoming a prepared member in society.