Mayan Calendar: The ancient Mayan calendar states that the world will end in December 21, 2012. The Mayan civilization flourished in Central America from the 6 A.D. to 9 A.D. They were obsessed with time-keeping, and in fact, their calender were so incredibly precise that its interlocking time scales of lunar, solar, and planetary cycles could accurately predict solar/lunar eclipses thousands of years into the future. This accurate calendar however mysteriously ends on December 21, 2012!
It states that on December 21, 2012, the sun rises on the dark rift of the center of the milky way which is referred to as a black hole. In the last five years, the western astronomers have in fact discovered that there is in fact an enormous black hole at the center of our milky way galaxy. The contemporary astronomers concur with the Mayans. On 21st of December, 2012, the Earth will be in exact alignment with the Sun and the center of our milky way galaxy, a galactic event which takes place only once every 25,800 years! No one knows what effect this extraordinary alignment will have on our planet, but the Mayans believe it would be terrible!
The Polar Shift Theory

The Polar Shift Theory: Geophysicists have a theory that is strikingly similar to the events predicted by the Mayan alignment. The phenomenon is called the “polar shift,” in which the entire mantle of the earth would shift in a matter of days or perhaps hours during such galactic events, causing positions of the north and south pole to change, further causing worldwide disaster, earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, and other natural disasters.
Accordingly, several eclectic authors claim that a major, world-changing event will take place in 2012!
Even the book “The Orion Prophecy” claims that the Earth’s magnetic field will reverse, which further supports the Polar Shift Theory besides the prediction of Merlin that also suggests a polar shift. NASA predicts that during 2012, as the Sun reaches the end of the current 11-year sunspot cycle, it will reverse its own magnetic poles, which may further amplify the effects of magnetic field on earth as harmful charged particles blast away from the sun (also known as solar storming).

Planet Eris or Planet X or NibiruPlanet Eris/”Nibiru” or Planet-X and the Global warming: This theory suggests that the real cause of climate changes, volcanic activities, and intensification of the seismic activity etc. is the planet Eris’s getting closer to our solar system once in 3600 years, named as 2003-UB-313, which ultimately results in the melting of the glaciers! This Planet Eris or so called “Nibiru” was first observed in October 21, 2003, using 1.22 m Oschin telescope at Mount Palomar Observatory (California). It is said to have passed between Mars and Jupiter some 7200 years ago, which most probably had triggered the cataclysm “Noah’s flood” and again this will be at the close proximity to Earth between 2010 and 2012, which can cause massive melting of the glaciers, causing huge tidal waves and ultimately, the return of the Noah’s flood!
I Ching: Another sets of factors backing up this December 21, 2012 Doomsday is the I Ching prophecy. Despite the views of skeptics, the 5000 years old I Ching has become an oracle of the doomsday. The highs and lows of the I Ching graphs seems to have accurately corresponded to the fall of the roman empire, discover of the new world, and world wars of the 20th century, and the strangest things of all was, the time line came to an end to the exact specific date, December 21, 2012! Is it a coincidence that both prophecies of I Ching and Mayan Calendar came to the same exact date and time? In fact, many world’s religions and most famous prophets reference that something cataclysmic will happen around December 21, 2012. The medieval predictions of Merlin, The Book of Revelation, and the well-known Chinese Oracle of the “I Ching” all point to this specific date as the end of civilization.

The Bible Code & Nostradamus Prophesies: According to the certain algorithms of Bible code, a meteor,asteroid, or comet will soon collide with the Earth.
Everybody knows the Nostradamus prophesies, that have very accurately predicting many world leaders rising to power and major events in the past. His prophesies were accurate in predicting the demise of the World Trade Centers in 2001 as well.
Even the book “The Nostradamus Code” further speaks of a series of natural disasters caused by some kind of a “comet” and those studying the Prophecies of Nostradamus states that he might have further indicated the possibility of a “Third World War” where nuclear wars can create “comet-like” mass destructions everywhere
So are we going to have a Third World War? At the current scenario, it seems we might have - proving the Nostradamus Prophesies.
Even the high-tech oracles which is not even human, i.e., “Web-Bots” are predicting the end of the world as December 21, 2012, besides the Mayan, I Ching, Merlin, Book Of Revelation, etc. Is it just a coincidence or a meaningless pattern of random events?
this freaks me I`m going to find a religion
ReplyDeletelies lies all lies
ReplyDeleteif that was true they would warn us a long time ago
ReplyDeleteNothing get ends until it get started...
ReplyDeleteThis World of Nature, Science and Technology will be keep on demanding each request to post by supporting one to the other. Yes the Mayans or Bible or any other Civilizations will never committed that the World ends by Dec. 21 2012.
Its all Just a refresh I, you and all need in this world and it mean its not a SHUTDOWN but its a RESTART. I doesn't mean that we are going to get back to the Stone-age by that day but its all we are going to give a fresh start to make it better tomorrow to the FUTURE.
Yes just like if you got any issues occurred on your computer while working or running a command to get a out put result for an excepted good Answers / Solution which got struck by some either Hardware or Software problem then we would try to break the operation or even try to stop the execution before any thing goes into a big mistake. If nothing could be done then we would give a RESTART to take the control back to our hands.
If this is the task done by HUMAN to take over his CONTROL of a computer / computer program which was designed and invented by him (in fact can say that Computer MADE BY HUMANS), then we try to resolve the problem by just RESTARTing it instead of SHUTDOWNing it as we still have some more stuffs to continue with our work on that computer. So this is the similar event which occurs in our PLANET to have every thing under control.
I know how this will impact but you all must understand that there is ONE SUPERIOR POWER (We CALL it as GOD) who CREATED the leaving beings including the 6 sensed HUMANS who is absolutely OUT OF his CONTROL and you (HUMANS) do anything to survive but TOOK WRONG PATH to design his FAKE CULTURE which is grown like a huge mountain. So to the similar way the SUPERIOR POWER who want his CALCULATIONS / PROGRAMS and DESIGN of HIS WORLD to be PROPER and in GOOD CONDITION he would like TO make a RESTART the WORLD / UNIVERSE to get a BETTER FINAL RESULT by which you fellow HUMANS will get back to the REALITY in this WORLD of GOODNESS and KINDNESS which will TEACH the HUMANS of being GOOD TO SURVIVE in this WORLD to carry forward for a GOOD FUTURE.
But still their will be some IMPACT to be held on THE DAYS of RESTART as few other LOSS of WORLDs ASSETS which OWNED by HUMANS (Loss of data on other minor / major PROGRAMS which are running when we do restart of computer).
So don't get PANIC but BE PREPARED to FACE IT as there is "NO GAIN WITHOUT ANY LOSS / PAIN".
I would like to share with you my experience, regarding the abundant flow of God’s love which shall be enveloping our solar system in 2012 through divine grace. This abundant flow of God’s love will beautifully change the earth into heaven. It will change man into a celestial being. What a wonder! We are now realizing the truth that if God wills he can change hell into heaven, in the fraction of a second. God is so compassionate and loving. We are extremely fortunate to be living in this time period of supreme change. Wow! This bliss is absolutely inexpressible.
ReplyDeleteI wish to share my experiences with Spiritual aspirants and especially with those, who are Meditators (Dhyani’s). In the coming 3 years, you will face such experiences which you have never ever heard or seen. We are going to receive special light waves from the biggest and brightest Sun ‘Sirius’ located at our Galactic Centre. This happens only once in 22,500 years. This light which has a golden tinge is called as Gamma rays by Scientists. They have not yet obtained complete information or knowledge about these extremely powerful rays. Scientists say that this powerful light will pass through our solar system, as well as, through 6 other solar systems in our galaxy. They have declared 2012 December 21st as the date when these rays will possibly first touch earth, and then, there will be a complete transition of the earth, sun and other planets for a period of one year. They are being very emphatic on the occurrence of earthquake, tsunami, flood etc… as a possibility. They have no perfect source to affirm their research. Just like astrologers who foretell, the scientists are foretelling the probabilities of the future.
Such calamities may surely occur. I wish to share with you what I have realized about this through Meditation. It is true that this luminous light from Sirius will abundantly flow through our Solar system. But I disagree that it will lead to destruction. God will never leave the hand of those who have belief in him. He is extremely compassionate. It is true to the core that He is a servant of His devotees. With total care, He is sending the light for the progress of our solar system. You must be wondering ‘How’?
ReplyDeleteThe answer to your ‘How’ is as follows:
1. This light is the light of God’s love, the ocean of bliss. When this light envelopes the sun, it will totally change. Our Sun will become a spiritual Sun. The Sun has life, it has Love. That love will henceforth be totally God’s love. The similar change will take place on Earth as well. Just see the wonder of God’s love! A golden coloured luminous light will pass through 7 solar systems of our galaxy simultaneously. One will feel like, a thousand sun’s have risen at the same time and shining gloriously. I am naming this as ‘Prem Dhara’ (abundant flow of God’s love). As this light passes across, it will distribute God’s love and bliss in totality. If we make ourselves capable of receiving this light of love, and wait for its arrival, only then shall we be able to set foot in the coming Satya Yuga. Are we prepared as yet? What preparation needs to done?
a. Complete faith and trust in God that means total surrender to him.
b. The kundalini shakthi which lies dormant in the subtle body should be awakened. The Anahatha Chakra (heart chakra) and the Ajna Chakra (the third eye in between the eyebrows) should blossom. Both these chakras have the power to receive the luminous light, love and bliss. For this, one must be a meditator and one must be able to reach the mindless state in meditation. The ones, who don’t meditate, will not understand this state. They will not be able to tolerate this light. That’s why it’s important to create interest in meditation, at least now before it is too late. Those who do not know anything about Meditation are welcome to our Ashram. We will lovingly guide them on the path of meditation and also, how to face the situation.
2. Those who practice Yogasan, Pranayam and Meditation will easily face the coming situation. Yet, we will give a few necessary tips to them.
3. Egoistic people will not be able to tolerate this light. Attaining control over the ‘six enemies’ will diminish the ego and destroy it. The six enemies, desire, anger, greed, attachment, pride and jealousy should be overcome through Love, Peace, Generosity, Sacrifice, Compassion and Kindness. One should be desire less and completely devoted to God with total surrender. One should be God’s servant. Then it is easy to reach the mindless state called Samadhi. It is easy to receive this light, after all God is so compassionate! Since 1998, He has been sending this light to earth in small proportions. Meditators have been since then benefiting from this light. Only scientists fear this coming of light. They say that this light may lead to depression in man. They have not yet understood that it is the vibration of God’s love. Other than meditators none can possibly understand this. That’s why I am emphasizing that we must meditate a lot.
4 This light will occur anytime between Dec 21st 2012 to Dec 21st 2013 and will first envelope our Sun bringing about a total change. At the same time, the sun will lose its radiance frequencies, because it will be in a zero state. For 3 days it will be without light. In other words, the sun’s light dissolves into that luminous light of bliss, becomes one with it and there will be complete darkness. At the same time, even earth will lose most of its electro-magnetic power. The earth will be transformed into heaven. The intensity of this light will be so great that it will bring about a total change in man. The D.N.A structure of Man’s gene will undergo transformation and Man will reach the 4th dimension. After sometime he will gain the realization of the 5th dimension too. The 5th dimension is the home of celestial beings. When earth will be transformed into heaven, all those who survive will attain enlightenment and therefore become celestial beings. Man’s state can be then compared to a caterpillar which enters the cocoon and after hibernation turns into a butterfly. This is the first time that such an extraordinary change will take place on earth. Only those who live through this transformation will become celestial beings. No man, no generation, no period on earth so far has ever had such a golden opportunity. It is impossible to explain how fortunate and lucky we are.
ReplyDeleteIn 3 days, Man will be totally transformed into a celestial being and earth into heaven.
ReplyDelete1. On the first day when the sun will be enveloped by the light of love, the abundant flow of love will permeate everything and draw the light of the sun completely into itself. It will also draw the light that is scattered in and around our solar system. The earth will be covered in total darkness and due to the intensity of the light; the electro-magnetic radiations travelling to earth will disappear. Electricity will cease to exist and there will be no fire. Man will have to live through 3 days of pitch darkness. During this process our body will be transformed into weightless bodies. Our mind and intelligence will begin functioning through the 4th dimension, because by then our gene would have undergone transformation. Only a meditator will be able to tolerate this with ease.
2. On the 2nd day, due to the absence of sunlight all the water on earth will freeze. In 48 hours the entire earth will turn into an iceberg. When this change is in process, most of the animals may get extinct. But turtle, Himalayan deer, cows such as Kapila, Kamadhenu will most probably survive even after this transformation process. Marine animals living in the depth of the ocean may also survive. By turning the earth into an iceberg, God is saving the earth from ‘Mahapralaya’ (destruction through heavy floods). People like Bhasmasura will bring about their own destruction, because only such places where bombs are stored may explode.
3. In 72 hours the whole process will complete and the abundant flow of love will send forth its ray of light, one at a time, softly and subtly. When the iceberg melts and flows as water into the low-lying areas, the survivors there can easily vacate that place and reach the newly formed higher areas, because by then they will obtain weightless bodies which can levitate. Each and everyone will shine with a golden radiance body. They will begin flying in bliss like a butterfly out of the cocoon. The colour of all forests, trees and plants will change into a mixture of turmeric yellow and green and they will glow with a golden radiance. Heaven will blossom on earth and we will be able to contact other such heavens in our galaxy. This new birth for our solar system is sure to occur. The sun, earth, planets will all be a part of this Divine Plane and make it easy for the transformed man (the celestial being) to live. After this transformation, earth will see no night for another 2000 years. But these 2000 years on earth will be equal to one day in heaven.
We are extremely fortunate to exist during such a period of transitionary transformation. How much ever we praise, thank or sing to God for this, is not enough. God is coming down to us; I request all of you to take up this opportunity with happiness. I have already mentioned above regarding the preparation you need to do. For further information kindly contact our Ashram. Our Ashram’s website –
We have organized a 3-day camp in our ashram to prepare you on receiving the abundant flow of God’s love with peace and calmness. You will have to stay in the Ashram itself for those 3 days. Kindly bear the expenses of your stay. This camp is based on Yogasana, Pranayam, and Meditation. We will also teach you the method of receiving food through the power of sunlight.
For children between 10 and 18 years of age, this camp will be organized during their holidays. Without any discrimination, people of any caste, creed or religion can participate in this camp.
Yogacharya Devdas
Sri Shaktidarshan Yogashram®, Elathur – Kinnigoli, Mangalore – 574150
Contact No: 0824 - 2295100
Alaah is the only one who Knows when the world will end.I am a muslim, and I don't belive on that prophecies but only our prophite Mohammaed Peice be aboune him when he told us about the end of the world he did not predicts an exact day but told us about events that will occure in the future and after those events the end of the world will come.
ReplyDeleteHe told us that those events are divided into minor events and major events as Alaah told him.
Minor events are events related to social or behavioral or others. And according to our scientists all of them Have occured.
Major Events Are mainly religous and natural and we have one occured which is the tassunami in the east.
For more informations regarding prophecies of Mohammed the Messenger of Alaah please contact me on
Alaah is a bunch of crap! And its all lies you stupid muslim. The world will not end for a very long time. And only Jesus Christ is Lord and only he knows when the world will end. And he will end the earth when no one is exspecting it. And only the people who believe that Jesus Christ is their savor will be saved and live with him in heaven forever. So believe in God and be saved!!!!
Deleteugh.....Im gettin freeky feelings now.being serious yeh I do feel somthing is really going to happen on seeing the current scenario.The points given in this entire passage really exite me a lot and are serious enough to collect attention. Piyush Anand and Rajat Tyagi (India)
ReplyDeleteCome on people get real. Yuu cannot predict the future. And lets be honnest Nostradamus predicted the end of the world in july 1999. There was NO 9/11 or otherwise.
ReplyDeleteRoll on 2013 enjoy life and dont be so superstitious.
These things are just fault prediction to divert mind of depressed community in this world. There was a similar predivtion that scientist announced all low land countries will be sinked in ocean, Bangladesh will be totally vanished in 40 yeaqrs time. Finally some hackers discovered that these announcementand just fake and there was no such finding in their rescearch work. Finally the scientist said sorry and resigned and left the research center. So I no longer trust on these peoples, lying all the time.
ReplyDeleteEven if it is not the end of the world as we know ,what hurt could come from being prepared for the worst. All the hype is going to leed people to stock pile food and other stuff and more so when we get closer to the dooms day date that is going to leave us with little store surplus and price gauging. Stock up know no matter the outcome you will be better off.
ReplyDeletei agree with the above comment on at least being well as for that other comment goes about how the government would warn us if something like that was going to happen..ummm i beg to differ. first of all if something like the end of the world or a drastic disaster that is unavoidable is going to happen the best bet for the government would be as not to rasie alarm across the country otherwise these last few years would for sure be chaotic...uncontrolable!!! they are not just secretly building supposed safety shelters and looking for other means of life somewhere else (for the richest of the rich of course)if something like this does happen...look at all these people dying in big numbers everywhere...maybe GOD is collecting his people right now??? all i have to say is live life to the fullest..try to live as right as possible and no matter what happens we cannot really do anything about it but pray for a quick merciless
ReplyDeletePeople people there just lies they said that in 2003 too, well lemme look at my calendar again oh wait its 2011!
ReplyDeletewas earth dead on 21 dec 2012
ReplyDeleteWhen it's the 22nd of December 2012, I'm gonna come back and laugh in ur faces xD
ReplyDeleteim scared and im just a kid D; im going to cry cause im with my grandma and she cant walk wat would i do!!!!
ReplyDeletepeople dont be afraid we were born to dye so let it go and let nature do its work