1. Planet Earth is a training planet.("The toughest school in the Universe" - Virgil Armstrong)
2. We are fast approaching graduation time.
3. After we graduate we may go on and help others in emerging civilizations.
4. Hitler was the last Lord of Darkness. We are having no more. George W. Bush and friends are the final tail-end of this negative energy. He has shown us what we don't want!
5. The Mayan Calendar time-science clearly shows that in any one time cycle of 1144 years, there are 13 Lords of Light (or heavens) and 9 Lords of Darkness (or hells). So creation has been designed towards love and light. See Hitler and Time.
6. The Mayan fifth world finished in 1987. The sixth world starts in 2012. So we are currently "between worlds". This time is called the "Apocalypse" or revealing. This means the real truth will be revealed. It is also the time for us to work through "our stuff" individually and collectively.
7. The Mayans also say that by 2012-- we will have gone beyond technology as we know it.- we will have gone beyond time and money.- we will have entered the fifth dimension after passing through the fourth dimension- Planet Earth and the Solar System will come into galactic synchronization with the rest of the Universe.- Our DNA will be "upgraded" (reprogrammed) from the centre of our galaxy. (Hunab Ku)
8. In 2012 the plane of our Solar System will line up exactly with the plane of our Galaxy, the Milky Way. This cycle has taken 26,000 years to complete. Virgil Armstrong also says that two other galaxies will line up with ours at the same time. A cosmic event!
9. Remember, in any given moment we are making small and large decisions. Each decision is based on LOVE or FEAR. Choose love, follow your intuition, not intellect and follow your passion or "burning inner desire." Go with the flow.
10. Thought forms are very important and affect our everyday life. We create our reality with thought forms. If we think negative thoughts of others this is what we attract. If we think positive thoughts we will attract positive people and events. So be aware of your thoughts and eliminate the unnecessary negative or judgemental ones.
11. Be aware that most of the media is controlled by just a few. Use discernment! Look for the hidden agendas. Why is this information being presented to you? What is "their" real agenda? Is it a case of problemreactionsolution? Do "they" create a problem so that "we" react and ask for a fix, then "they" offer their solution? The "solution is what "they" really wanted in the first place.
12. Remember almost nothing happens by accident. Almost all "events" are planned by some agency or other. Despite this, it is a very exciting time to be alive!
The truth shall set you free!
Friday, June 12, 2009
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Pole Shift ans Pole Reversal in 2012
In 2012 the next polar reversal will take place on earth. This means that the North Pole will be changed into the South Pole. Scientifically this can only be explained by the fact that the earth will start rotating in the opposite direction, together with a huge disaster of unknown proportions.
In my books I reveal the immense cataclysm that is going to torment the earth in the near future. It is presently assumed by most people and the general scientific world at large, that the rotation of the Earth is stable, however, as expounded in my previous works on this subject, this is not the case. The gruesome reports of the previous catastrophes should, hopefully, be clear to all.
The historical exploration of cosmology in previous books is founded on the translation of hieroglyphs, cracking of codes, unveiling of the magnetic reversal of the sun, study of old maps, decoding of astronomical clues, geological research, and the discovery of the most exciting archaeological find in modern times. Considering these I came to the following conclusions:
1. With clock-like regularity, sudden reversals and pole shifts are natural to the Earth. The result is worldwide destruction, and is supported by paleo-magnetic evidence and early manuscripts.
2. The reversal of the poles is attributed to the harmonic cycle of the magnetic fields of the sun.
3. Polar reversals can be calculated precisely on the basis of the sunspot cycle theory or the magnetic field theory, which the Maya and the Old Egyptians were privy to. These secrets are contained in the Labyrinth of Hawara, a huge complex consisting of three thousand rooms.
I explained abundantly clearly that life after a polar reversal is nothing but horror, pure unimaginable horror. All securities you presently have at hand, like - amongst others - food, transport, and medicines, will have disappeared in one big blow, dissolved into nothingness. As will our complete civilization. It cannot be more horrifying than this; worse than the worst nightmare. More destructive than a nuclear war in which the entire global arsenal of nuclear weapons has been deployed in one blow. Are you grasping the facts?
The earth will be subjected to total destruction. It will be many times worse than my description. Terrible hunger, cold and pain, and more will rule your daily life: without hope of a quick recovery, because all knowledge and resources will have been completely destroyed. That will be the reality of your daily life after the forthcoming polar reversal. And it is in this scenario you will have to try to survive.
The Riddle of the Magnetic Field Solved
At present scientists still do not know much about the mechanism that generates the magnetic field of the earth, which is more than frightening. Without doubt, our continued existence depends upon this. Thousands of years ago our ancestors knew that when this magnetic field tilts, a worldwide destruction takes place. The present geologists, astronomers and physicists know little about this. For that reason we are running towards our end, without a single acknowledgement from official sources.
So, what do our professors indeed know? Next to nothing. In short, the scenario is as follows: a solid central core rotates in the center of the earth. It is surrounded by a liquid iron-like layer, on top of which the earth's crust is continuously drifting. This whole structure therefore appears to be a huge rotating dynamo. In addition, the liquid layer rotates in the electrostatic field of the sun, recharging itself.
However, this is not at all efficient: more electrical potential is lost than gained. Just like a battery that is almost empty, it is difficult to recharge and it becomes exhausted more easily and quickly. This is the situation with the "battery" of the magnetic field of the earth. For this reason one sees the force of the magnetic field diminishing, almost 60% over the last two thousand years.
At this rate there will not be much left within a couple of decades! And then one can expect a reversal of the poles. But nobody knows in what way this will happen, nor what the consequences will be, in contrast to the Maya and the Old Egyptians who knew the terrible consequences only too well. Their science, their religion and way of life were completely based on them. They encoded their knowledge in Holy Numbers and in their architecture.
I needed days, weeks, months and years to follow their carefully applied clues and decode them. After an exasperatingly long search, I found out that these codes were connected with the catastrophic events on earth that were caused by pole shifts. Some of the codes were terribly complicated, although not incomprehensible. Once you have figured out the cipher, you are able to decipher the different levels of their scientific language. Then you can literally peel away layer after layer until you reach the ultimate result: the naked scientific figures regarding the background of these catastrophes.
Unknown Sunspot Cycle Theory Gives the Answer
The answers to these questions are alarming and devastating. All my deciphering points to a complex and ingenious science. Let me explain. When you, as a scientist, stumble upon results that the present astronomers do not know, you have, without doubt, stumbled upon something terribly important. Everybody will have to admit it, and that is exactly what I have done: I discovered an echo of a long-lost technological terminology; a majestic building with immensely sophisticated keys. Many numbers were based on the sunspot cycle, which they had discovered. A theory that is irrefutably correct and not known by our physicists! It cannot be more alarming!
This theory, in turn, correlates with the periodical polar reversals of the earth. I succeeded in cracking the whole puzzle and a large-scale structure appeared. Its development was such that the mathematical matrix ends on the day of the next polar reversal!
Just like the way we count down to the launching of a rocket, they counted down to the End of Times. On the last day of the calendar the magnetic north of the earth will change into the south. They knew this would not only mean the end of their civilization, but also of the whole civilized world!
Solar Lightning Causes the Polar Reversal
From legends and the sunspot cycle theory of the Maya, we can reconstruct the cause of a polar reversal. It has long been known that when a beam of lightning strikes a magnet, a reversal of the magnetic poles takes place. Let's apply this principle on a broader scale.
Our earth is a huge magnet, with its own North and South Poles. A short-circuit with another external "beam of lightning,” or magnet, can end in a catastrophic polar reversal. This means that the magnetic North Pole changes place with the magnetic South Pole. But what sort of external beam can cause this? What force is powerful enough to stop the rotation of the earth and revert it?
Only one object can cause this: our sun. You know from my book, The OrionProphecy that the magnetic field of the sun undergoes a drastic change every 11,500 to 12,000 years. Once a crucial point has been reached, it reverses instantaneously. Chaotic outbursts accompany this phenomenon and an immense cloud of plasma is catapulted into space. Then a shock wave of particles reaches our planet and the polar reversal of our earth commences.
With unknown power this solar lightning strikes our planet and causes a gigantic short circuit. That is the catastrophic truth behind a polar reversal of the earth. But how can we scientifically describe this fact? What is the precise physical cause that produces this polar reversal?
Solar Storms Cause the Pole Shift
In the book Earth under Fire I came upon the correct theory. More precisely, in the chapter entitled "Solar Storms and Geomagnetic Flips." The astronomer Paul La Violette writes “Field flips have been accomplished experimentally, by shooting large quantities of loaded particles on a strong bipolar magnet. These particles are then caught in the magnetic fields and cause a "ring-stream" in them. At a certain moment this stream speeds up to such an extent that the field of the magnet reverses completely.”
In an equivalent scenario the field of the earth can reverse in just the same way. Astronomers know that the particles of a solar storm can compress the earth's magnetic field and temporarily speed up the power of the earth's field.
When the solar particles reach our planet, the electromagnetically-loaded particles will move in a spiral along the magnetic lines: from the magnetic north pole to the magnetic south pole and back. While passing this north-south axis, they will move into the direction of the equator. When they arrive there, they will join into a super powerful "ring current."
This "ring current" generates an intense magnetic field that is opposite to the earth's magnetic field. In order to overpower the earth's magnetic field you need a solar flame a hundred times more forceful than the biggest one we have ever seen. At the reversal of the magnetic field of the sun this degree will certainly be reached.
From here on, my point of view deviates from that expressed by Paul La Violette. Not only will the poles reverse, but also the earth will begin to rotate in the opposite direction! This can only occur when the "ring current" pushes the inner core of the earth in the opposite direction.
Everybody knows that when you change the poles of an electric motor, it will start turning the other way. The same holds for the interior of the earth. When an external short circuit takes place, the core cannot do otherwise but start turning in the opposite direction!
Destruction & Renewed Life
This catastrophe will not only result in the massive destruction of life on earth, but also its continued existence, however incomprehensible this may sound. Let me explain this. The magnetic field of the earth is not an accident of natural science. Its primary task is to protect us against cosmic and solar radiation. Without this field, life is practically impossible and in a short time, life on our planet would be extinguished. An all-burning, deadly radioactive radiation would torment the earth's surface.
So here we are talking about an incompatible duality: despite the fact that a huge amount of people, animals and plants will die, life will continue to exist, because the exhausted battery of the earth will be reloaded by the enormous solar storm. During thousands of years the magnetic field of the earth can therefore remain stable, protecting the flora and fauna against the damaging radiation. While doing this job, the inner battery of the earth will run out again and another cycle of destruction followed by creation and mutation will start anew.
In my books I reveal the immense cataclysm that is going to torment the earth in the near future. It is presently assumed by most people and the general scientific world at large, that the rotation of the Earth is stable, however, as expounded in my previous works on this subject, this is not the case. The gruesome reports of the previous catastrophes should, hopefully, be clear to all.
The historical exploration of cosmology in previous books is founded on the translation of hieroglyphs, cracking of codes, unveiling of the magnetic reversal of the sun, study of old maps, decoding of astronomical clues, geological research, and the discovery of the most exciting archaeological find in modern times. Considering these I came to the following conclusions:
1. With clock-like regularity, sudden reversals and pole shifts are natural to the Earth. The result is worldwide destruction, and is supported by paleo-magnetic evidence and early manuscripts.
2. The reversal of the poles is attributed to the harmonic cycle of the magnetic fields of the sun.
3. Polar reversals can be calculated precisely on the basis of the sunspot cycle theory or the magnetic field theory, which the Maya and the Old Egyptians were privy to. These secrets are contained in the Labyrinth of Hawara, a huge complex consisting of three thousand rooms.
I explained abundantly clearly that life after a polar reversal is nothing but horror, pure unimaginable horror. All securities you presently have at hand, like - amongst others - food, transport, and medicines, will have disappeared in one big blow, dissolved into nothingness. As will our complete civilization. It cannot be more horrifying than this; worse than the worst nightmare. More destructive than a nuclear war in which the entire global arsenal of nuclear weapons has been deployed in one blow. Are you grasping the facts?
The earth will be subjected to total destruction. It will be many times worse than my description. Terrible hunger, cold and pain, and more will rule your daily life: without hope of a quick recovery, because all knowledge and resources will have been completely destroyed. That will be the reality of your daily life after the forthcoming polar reversal. And it is in this scenario you will have to try to survive.
The Riddle of the Magnetic Field Solved
At present scientists still do not know much about the mechanism that generates the magnetic field of the earth, which is more than frightening. Without doubt, our continued existence depends upon this. Thousands of years ago our ancestors knew that when this magnetic field tilts, a worldwide destruction takes place. The present geologists, astronomers and physicists know little about this. For that reason we are running towards our end, without a single acknowledgement from official sources.
So, what do our professors indeed know? Next to nothing. In short, the scenario is as follows: a solid central core rotates in the center of the earth. It is surrounded by a liquid iron-like layer, on top of which the earth's crust is continuously drifting. This whole structure therefore appears to be a huge rotating dynamo. In addition, the liquid layer rotates in the electrostatic field of the sun, recharging itself.
However, this is not at all efficient: more electrical potential is lost than gained. Just like a battery that is almost empty, it is difficult to recharge and it becomes exhausted more easily and quickly. This is the situation with the "battery" of the magnetic field of the earth. For this reason one sees the force of the magnetic field diminishing, almost 60% over the last two thousand years.
At this rate there will not be much left within a couple of decades! And then one can expect a reversal of the poles. But nobody knows in what way this will happen, nor what the consequences will be, in contrast to the Maya and the Old Egyptians who knew the terrible consequences only too well. Their science, their religion and way of life were completely based on them. They encoded their knowledge in Holy Numbers and in their architecture.
I needed days, weeks, months and years to follow their carefully applied clues and decode them. After an exasperatingly long search, I found out that these codes were connected with the catastrophic events on earth that were caused by pole shifts. Some of the codes were terribly complicated, although not incomprehensible. Once you have figured out the cipher, you are able to decipher the different levels of their scientific language. Then you can literally peel away layer after layer until you reach the ultimate result: the naked scientific figures regarding the background of these catastrophes.
Unknown Sunspot Cycle Theory Gives the Answer
The answers to these questions are alarming and devastating. All my deciphering points to a complex and ingenious science. Let me explain. When you, as a scientist, stumble upon results that the present astronomers do not know, you have, without doubt, stumbled upon something terribly important. Everybody will have to admit it, and that is exactly what I have done: I discovered an echo of a long-lost technological terminology; a majestic building with immensely sophisticated keys. Many numbers were based on the sunspot cycle, which they had discovered. A theory that is irrefutably correct and not known by our physicists! It cannot be more alarming!
This theory, in turn, correlates with the periodical polar reversals of the earth. I succeeded in cracking the whole puzzle and a large-scale structure appeared. Its development was such that the mathematical matrix ends on the day of the next polar reversal!
Just like the way we count down to the launching of a rocket, they counted down to the End of Times. On the last day of the calendar the magnetic north of the earth will change into the south. They knew this would not only mean the end of their civilization, but also of the whole civilized world!
Solar Lightning Causes the Polar Reversal
From legends and the sunspot cycle theory of the Maya, we can reconstruct the cause of a polar reversal. It has long been known that when a beam of lightning strikes a magnet, a reversal of the magnetic poles takes place. Let's apply this principle on a broader scale.
Our earth is a huge magnet, with its own North and South Poles. A short-circuit with another external "beam of lightning,” or magnet, can end in a catastrophic polar reversal. This means that the magnetic North Pole changes place with the magnetic South Pole. But what sort of external beam can cause this? What force is powerful enough to stop the rotation of the earth and revert it?
Only one object can cause this: our sun. You know from my book, The OrionProphecy that the magnetic field of the sun undergoes a drastic change every 11,500 to 12,000 years. Once a crucial point has been reached, it reverses instantaneously. Chaotic outbursts accompany this phenomenon and an immense cloud of plasma is catapulted into space. Then a shock wave of particles reaches our planet and the polar reversal of our earth commences.
With unknown power this solar lightning strikes our planet and causes a gigantic short circuit. That is the catastrophic truth behind a polar reversal of the earth. But how can we scientifically describe this fact? What is the precise physical cause that produces this polar reversal?
Solar Storms Cause the Pole Shift
In the book Earth under Fire I came upon the correct theory. More precisely, in the chapter entitled "Solar Storms and Geomagnetic Flips." The astronomer Paul La Violette writes “Field flips have been accomplished experimentally, by shooting large quantities of loaded particles on a strong bipolar magnet. These particles are then caught in the magnetic fields and cause a "ring-stream" in them. At a certain moment this stream speeds up to such an extent that the field of the magnet reverses completely.”
In an equivalent scenario the field of the earth can reverse in just the same way. Astronomers know that the particles of a solar storm can compress the earth's magnetic field and temporarily speed up the power of the earth's field.
When the solar particles reach our planet, the electromagnetically-loaded particles will move in a spiral along the magnetic lines: from the magnetic north pole to the magnetic south pole and back. While passing this north-south axis, they will move into the direction of the equator. When they arrive there, they will join into a super powerful "ring current."
This "ring current" generates an intense magnetic field that is opposite to the earth's magnetic field. In order to overpower the earth's magnetic field you need a solar flame a hundred times more forceful than the biggest one we have ever seen. At the reversal of the magnetic field of the sun this degree will certainly be reached.
From here on, my point of view deviates from that expressed by Paul La Violette. Not only will the poles reverse, but also the earth will begin to rotate in the opposite direction! This can only occur when the "ring current" pushes the inner core of the earth in the opposite direction.
Everybody knows that when you change the poles of an electric motor, it will start turning the other way. The same holds for the interior of the earth. When an external short circuit takes place, the core cannot do otherwise but start turning in the opposite direction!
Destruction & Renewed Life
This catastrophe will not only result in the massive destruction of life on earth, but also its continued existence, however incomprehensible this may sound. Let me explain this. The magnetic field of the earth is not an accident of natural science. Its primary task is to protect us against cosmic and solar radiation. Without this field, life is practically impossible and in a short time, life on our planet would be extinguished. An all-burning, deadly radioactive radiation would torment the earth's surface.
So here we are talking about an incompatible duality: despite the fact that a huge amount of people, animals and plants will die, life will continue to exist, because the exhausted battery of the earth will be reloaded by the enormous solar storm. During thousands of years the magnetic field of the earth can therefore remain stable, protecting the flora and fauna against the damaging radiation. While doing this job, the inner battery of the earth will run out again and another cycle of destruction followed by creation and mutation will start anew.
The World Cataclysm in 2012 by Patrick Geryl
The Orion Prophecy: Egyptian and Mayan Prophecies on the Cataclysm of 2012
In my book, The Orion Prophecy, I came to the staggering conclusion that the earth will be subjected to a huge disaster. The cause: the magnetic field of the earth will reverse in an instant, resulting in catastrophic consequences for humanity. Immense earthquakes will flatten all buildings on earth; while continents will shift thousands of kilometres and an all-demolishing tidal wave will leave billions of dead people behind.In my book I scientifically reveal the millennia-old codes of the Maya and the Old Egyptians, which refer to this super-disaster.
You will get carried away in an astonishing series of discoveries about the secrets of a long lost past -- of an antediluvian civilization, which was able to calculate the previous pole shift, and its later descendants, who have calculated the next polar reversal for 2012. I launch this world-shattering message after having cracked several ancient codes of crucial importance to civilization as we approach the year 2012.
The Dresden Codex of the Maya, for instance, contains the secrets of the sunspot cycle. The conclusions that follow are even more staggering. At a certain moment, when the sun's magnetism reaches a crucial point, the sun's surface will be subjected to immense storms. Enormous electro-magnetic forces will then be liberated - with unknown strength - from the interior of the sun. Giant sun-flames will send a gigantic wave of particles to the earth.
Recently this phenomenon has been observed and confirmed in several suns. During several hours and days they exhibited an explosive activity, after which they returned to their normal state. Astronomers were wondering if this were a one-time event or if it could occur more often. They can be sure it will occur again! Our sun is also showing this kind of pattern.
What Will Happen?The particles that are spewed out will set the earth's atmosphere "in flames" and have a real destructive effect on the Van Allen belts. Because of the continuous stream of electromagnetism, the magnetic field of the earth will get overcharged. Trillions of particles will reach the poles. Unknown electric forces will be generated, a nightmare for everybody involved. When the poles are filled with auroras from the falling particles, the inevitable will happen: the earth's inner electromagnetic field will get overcharged and will crash. A mega short-circuit with super lethal effects. The planet's entire atmosphere, without magnetic protection, will be bombarded by falling particles. The earth’s magnetic field functions to protect us by directing the electromagnetic particles to the poles, but this would become impossible.
The particles would penetrate the earth from all sides and generate intense radiation, in luminosity as well as in radioactivity. Burning, intensely burning, is how you could describe the entire sky. Or, as the Holyscriptures say: “the light of the light is around the world now.” And that is the prelude to the cataclysm.
Polar Reversal and Pole Shift The iron core of the earth is magnetic. Because of the switching of the magnetic core, the earth will start to rotate in the other direction! Because of this, the outer earth’s crust will break off! In other words theouter layer will be "floating." It will be on the loose, no longer attached to its "master." If you are on the planet at that moment, it will tilt some thousands of miles in a couple of hours. Looking up in the sky it will seem as if "the sky is coming down," as it is described in the old scriptures! Giant quakes will occur. Earth plates will be moving, mountains will be rising where first there was nothing, land masses will break open and collapse, mountains collapse, land will sink into the ocean, volcanoes erupt in many places. In short, the most terrible nightmare cannot be terrible enough to describe this world's destruction.
They Calculated it! Now you can ask me: are you sure of what you are saying? My answer: very sure, because the Atlanteans and their descendants the Maya and Old Egyptians knew a theory about the magnetic fields of the sun that even modern astronomers don’t know anything of! With this theory they were able to predict the worldwide flood of 9792 BC and the coming one in 2012! Here, I’m asking for your comprehension. I want you to understand that they CALCULATED the end of Atlantis - now buried under the South Pole. Again,they CALCULATED an even more violent end for us. That there is a link between 2012 and 9792 BC is undeniable (See my book The Orion Prophecy). If we keep ignoring these findings - we will all die. All alarm bells should be ringing around the world!
Keeper of a Forgotten Time-CapsuleIn Egypt there existed an underground complex, which Herodotus called "The Large Labyrinth," that contained more than three thousand chambers. The following description is quoted from his book Histories:Description of the Labyrinth: "I have been there and it is beyond any description. If you made a survey of all the city walls and public buildings in Greece, you would see that all together they did not require so much effort or money as this Labyrinth. And the temples in Ephesus and Samos are not exactly small works either! The pyramids are immense and huge, and each and every one of them equals many of our Greek buildings, but they cannot stand comparison with the Labyrinth.” The astronomic calculations were done in this large complex. It was a copy of the one that used to be in Atlantis. Because, and I had been amazed when reading it, the Atlanteans knew the exact date of the destruction of their land two thousand years in advance! We urgently have to look for this gigantic building that is even larger than the pyramids, according to Herodotus’ description. It will provide us with the correct data with which the Old Egyptians and the Atlanteans made their predictions of this worldwide cataclysm. All the data of the elite, “scientific” priests of The Large Labyrinth will be found there. Also other mysteries from an archaic and elite academy lies waiting for us there.
The quest for the Hall of Records is an urgent one. I constantly get the feeling that some ancient force has been reactivated and the whole world will be confronted with a momentous find. This will end in an apotheosis that will reveal the super-science of an antediluvian race that were able to predict the previous pole shift. I don’t doubt that we will find in The Large Labyrinth a connection between the reversal in the sun's magnetism, the earth’s polar reversal and the destruction of Atlantis. The mysteries of our remote past will shock all people worldwide, because The Large Labyrinth also hides the super-secret that the end is near – very near. I, myself, do not doubt one bit after having made lots of discoveries thatpoint to it. The only question that has been keeping me busy for years now is: how can I possibly survive this? And, is it possible to shut down the oil wells and nuclear power plants in time?
Will the world be destroyed in 2012 ?
Prophecies from the Maya and the Old Egyptians
In the year 2012 the Earth awaits a super catastrophe: its magnetic field will completely reverse in one go. Phenomenal earthquakes and tidal waves will destroy our civilization. Europe and North-America will shift thousands of kilometres northward and end up in a polar clime. Nearly the whole Earth's population will perish in the apocalyptic events. These predictions stem from the Maya and Egyptians. They are descendants of the legendary Atlantis, which is currently buried under the South Pole. The Atlanteans had highly evolved astronomical knowledge and were able to exactly predict the previous worldwide flood in 9792 BC. They built tens of thousands of boats and escaped to South-America and Egypt.The authors launch this world-shattering message after having cracked several ancient star codes (that are over 10,000 years old) of crucial importance to civilization as we approach the year 2012. In that year Venus, Orion and several other stars will take the same 'code-positions' as in 9792 BC, the year of the previous cataclysm! But there is more. For thousands of years historical sources have told of a forgotten time capsule of ancient wisdom located in a massive labyrinth. They speak of secret chambers filled with artefacts and documents from the previous flood. This 'Hall of Records' was created by this antediluvian race and the Old Egyptians, who held strong apocalyptic beliefs and wanted to preserve their accomplishments and wisdom for posterity.Geryl & Ratinckx have established to locate this famous labyrinth. The authors prove their points with extensive scientific and archaeological research. The excavation of this time capsule will have enormousimplications, archaeologists and scientists will see it as an invaluable insight into the technologies of a hitherto undiscovered race... if they proceed in time!
Comments on Amazon:A super-catastrophe will befall the Earth in late December 2012, just as it did nearly 12,000 years ago, says researcher Patrick Geryl. He teamed up with archaeo-astronomer Gino Ratinckx to shed light on hisstudy into ancient Egyptian artefacts - particularly the Zodiac in the Temple of Dendera, the Egyptian Book of the Dead, and the Dresden Codex of the Maya. He has discovered that these artefacts all include precise mathematical and astronomical information about the cyclical nature of these 'end time' events, including knowledge of sunspot megacycles and the precession of the zodiac constellations. The imminent sign will be in the sky when Venus moves in a retrograde circular motion above Orion; at that time, according to the coded warnings, the Sun will erupt with mega bursts of magnetic activity, which will in turn cause the Earth's magnetic field to reverse and the planet to spin in reverse and flip on its axis. The last time this happened was in 9792 BC, Geryl has deduced from the records. The resultant crustal slip, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes and mega tidal waves will lay waste to the planet and most of its inhabitants. All electronic communication systems will become inoperable. Geryl and Ratinckx are convinced that the Egyptians and Maya had a common ancestor, the Atlanteans, who left behind additional coded information within a labyrinth in Egypt, and the authors believe they know its preciselocation. Geryl implores us to take this information seriously and prepare for how we might survive the cataclysm and warn future generations. As we watch our Sun exhibiting strange activity, we'd do well to ponder this Earth-shattering prophecy.A while back I had the opportunity to read "The Orion Prophecy" by Patrick Geryl & Gino Ratinckx. What these authors have done is to assemble a cornucopia of diverse facts, which, taken together and in order, prove beyond reasonable doubt that this earth as we know it shall come to an end on December 21, 2012.....The "Orion Prophecy" is not just another end times book, it is a revelation, an exceptionally well researched document of vital importance to us as well as well as to all other living species. It is a book based not on mirth or legend but upon hard scientific data...Perhaps the real importance of this book is not so much that it scientifically proves our earth's crust will revolve to some degrees on December 21, 2012 completely realigning its poles, but rather that this catastrophic event is survivable to some extent providing our collective governments will take two important steps. The first being to shut down all of earth's nuclear facilities and the second that they shut down and cap off all of earth's oil wells. This must be done well in advance of December 21, 2012...We can survive this, we have on numerous occasions in the past but on those occasions there were no nuclear plants or oil wells to foul the atmosphere and earth's waters.....This phenomena, as "The Orion Prophecy" shows us, is part of earth's natural cycle and occurs roughly every 12,000 years when our suns magnetic influence to cause our earth to respond by rolling over and centring its poles to a new position.” The Orion Prophecy" is a must read for all thinking people everywhere and I challenge anyone to disprove its data.
In my book, The Orion Prophecy, I came to the staggering conclusion that the earth will be subjected to a huge disaster. The cause: the magnetic field of the earth will reverse in an instant, resulting in catastrophic consequences for humanity. Immense earthquakes will flatten all buildings on earth; while continents will shift thousands of kilometres and an all-demolishing tidal wave will leave billions of dead people behind.In my book I scientifically reveal the millennia-old codes of the Maya and the Old Egyptians, which refer to this super-disaster.
You will get carried away in an astonishing series of discoveries about the secrets of a long lost past -- of an antediluvian civilization, which was able to calculate the previous pole shift, and its later descendants, who have calculated the next polar reversal for 2012. I launch this world-shattering message after having cracked several ancient codes of crucial importance to civilization as we approach the year 2012.
The Dresden Codex of the Maya, for instance, contains the secrets of the sunspot cycle. The conclusions that follow are even more staggering. At a certain moment, when the sun's magnetism reaches a crucial point, the sun's surface will be subjected to immense storms. Enormous electro-magnetic forces will then be liberated - with unknown strength - from the interior of the sun. Giant sun-flames will send a gigantic wave of particles to the earth.
Recently this phenomenon has been observed and confirmed in several suns. During several hours and days they exhibited an explosive activity, after which they returned to their normal state. Astronomers were wondering if this were a one-time event or if it could occur more often. They can be sure it will occur again! Our sun is also showing this kind of pattern.
What Will Happen?The particles that are spewed out will set the earth's atmosphere "in flames" and have a real destructive effect on the Van Allen belts. Because of the continuous stream of electromagnetism, the magnetic field of the earth will get overcharged. Trillions of particles will reach the poles. Unknown electric forces will be generated, a nightmare for everybody involved. When the poles are filled with auroras from the falling particles, the inevitable will happen: the earth's inner electromagnetic field will get overcharged and will crash. A mega short-circuit with super lethal effects. The planet's entire atmosphere, without magnetic protection, will be bombarded by falling particles. The earth’s magnetic field functions to protect us by directing the electromagnetic particles to the poles, but this would become impossible.
The particles would penetrate the earth from all sides and generate intense radiation, in luminosity as well as in radioactivity. Burning, intensely burning, is how you could describe the entire sky. Or, as the Holyscriptures say: “the light of the light is around the world now.” And that is the prelude to the cataclysm.
Polar Reversal and Pole Shift The iron core of the earth is magnetic. Because of the switching of the magnetic core, the earth will start to rotate in the other direction! Because of this, the outer earth’s crust will break off! In other words theouter layer will be "floating." It will be on the loose, no longer attached to its "master." If you are on the planet at that moment, it will tilt some thousands of miles in a couple of hours. Looking up in the sky it will seem as if "the sky is coming down," as it is described in the old scriptures! Giant quakes will occur. Earth plates will be moving, mountains will be rising where first there was nothing, land masses will break open and collapse, mountains collapse, land will sink into the ocean, volcanoes erupt in many places. In short, the most terrible nightmare cannot be terrible enough to describe this world's destruction.
They Calculated it! Now you can ask me: are you sure of what you are saying? My answer: very sure, because the Atlanteans and their descendants the Maya and Old Egyptians knew a theory about the magnetic fields of the sun that even modern astronomers don’t know anything of! With this theory they were able to predict the worldwide flood of 9792 BC and the coming one in 2012! Here, I’m asking for your comprehension. I want you to understand that they CALCULATED the end of Atlantis - now buried under the South Pole. Again,they CALCULATED an even more violent end for us. That there is a link between 2012 and 9792 BC is undeniable (See my book The Orion Prophecy). If we keep ignoring these findings - we will all die. All alarm bells should be ringing around the world!
Keeper of a Forgotten Time-CapsuleIn Egypt there existed an underground complex, which Herodotus called "The Large Labyrinth," that contained more than three thousand chambers. The following description is quoted from his book Histories:Description of the Labyrinth: "I have been there and it is beyond any description. If you made a survey of all the city walls and public buildings in Greece, you would see that all together they did not require so much effort or money as this Labyrinth. And the temples in Ephesus and Samos are not exactly small works either! The pyramids are immense and huge, and each and every one of them equals many of our Greek buildings, but they cannot stand comparison with the Labyrinth.” The astronomic calculations were done in this large complex. It was a copy of the one that used to be in Atlantis. Because, and I had been amazed when reading it, the Atlanteans knew the exact date of the destruction of their land two thousand years in advance! We urgently have to look for this gigantic building that is even larger than the pyramids, according to Herodotus’ description. It will provide us with the correct data with which the Old Egyptians and the Atlanteans made their predictions of this worldwide cataclysm. All the data of the elite, “scientific” priests of The Large Labyrinth will be found there. Also other mysteries from an archaic and elite academy lies waiting for us there.
The quest for the Hall of Records is an urgent one. I constantly get the feeling that some ancient force has been reactivated and the whole world will be confronted with a momentous find. This will end in an apotheosis that will reveal the super-science of an antediluvian race that were able to predict the previous pole shift. I don’t doubt that we will find in The Large Labyrinth a connection between the reversal in the sun's magnetism, the earth’s polar reversal and the destruction of Atlantis. The mysteries of our remote past will shock all people worldwide, because The Large Labyrinth also hides the super-secret that the end is near – very near. I, myself, do not doubt one bit after having made lots of discoveries thatpoint to it. The only question that has been keeping me busy for years now is: how can I possibly survive this? And, is it possible to shut down the oil wells and nuclear power plants in time?
Will the world be destroyed in 2012 ?
Prophecies from the Maya and the Old Egyptians
In the year 2012 the Earth awaits a super catastrophe: its magnetic field will completely reverse in one go. Phenomenal earthquakes and tidal waves will destroy our civilization. Europe and North-America will shift thousands of kilometres northward and end up in a polar clime. Nearly the whole Earth's population will perish in the apocalyptic events. These predictions stem from the Maya and Egyptians. They are descendants of the legendary Atlantis, which is currently buried under the South Pole. The Atlanteans had highly evolved astronomical knowledge and were able to exactly predict the previous worldwide flood in 9792 BC. They built tens of thousands of boats and escaped to South-America and Egypt.The authors launch this world-shattering message after having cracked several ancient star codes (that are over 10,000 years old) of crucial importance to civilization as we approach the year 2012. In that year Venus, Orion and several other stars will take the same 'code-positions' as in 9792 BC, the year of the previous cataclysm! But there is more. For thousands of years historical sources have told of a forgotten time capsule of ancient wisdom located in a massive labyrinth. They speak of secret chambers filled with artefacts and documents from the previous flood. This 'Hall of Records' was created by this antediluvian race and the Old Egyptians, who held strong apocalyptic beliefs and wanted to preserve their accomplishments and wisdom for posterity.Geryl & Ratinckx have established to locate this famous labyrinth. The authors prove their points with extensive scientific and archaeological research. The excavation of this time capsule will have enormousimplications, archaeologists and scientists will see it as an invaluable insight into the technologies of a hitherto undiscovered race... if they proceed in time!
Comments on Amazon:A super-catastrophe will befall the Earth in late December 2012, just as it did nearly 12,000 years ago, says researcher Patrick Geryl. He teamed up with archaeo-astronomer Gino Ratinckx to shed light on hisstudy into ancient Egyptian artefacts - particularly the Zodiac in the Temple of Dendera, the Egyptian Book of the Dead, and the Dresden Codex of the Maya. He has discovered that these artefacts all include precise mathematical and astronomical information about the cyclical nature of these 'end time' events, including knowledge of sunspot megacycles and the precession of the zodiac constellations. The imminent sign will be in the sky when Venus moves in a retrograde circular motion above Orion; at that time, according to the coded warnings, the Sun will erupt with mega bursts of magnetic activity, which will in turn cause the Earth's magnetic field to reverse and the planet to spin in reverse and flip on its axis. The last time this happened was in 9792 BC, Geryl has deduced from the records. The resultant crustal slip, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes and mega tidal waves will lay waste to the planet and most of its inhabitants. All electronic communication systems will become inoperable. Geryl and Ratinckx are convinced that the Egyptians and Maya had a common ancestor, the Atlanteans, who left behind additional coded information within a labyrinth in Egypt, and the authors believe they know its preciselocation. Geryl implores us to take this information seriously and prepare for how we might survive the cataclysm and warn future generations. As we watch our Sun exhibiting strange activity, we'd do well to ponder this Earth-shattering prophecy.A while back I had the opportunity to read "The Orion Prophecy" by Patrick Geryl & Gino Ratinckx. What these authors have done is to assemble a cornucopia of diverse facts, which, taken together and in order, prove beyond reasonable doubt that this earth as we know it shall come to an end on December 21, 2012.....The "Orion Prophecy" is not just another end times book, it is a revelation, an exceptionally well researched document of vital importance to us as well as well as to all other living species. It is a book based not on mirth or legend but upon hard scientific data...Perhaps the real importance of this book is not so much that it scientifically proves our earth's crust will revolve to some degrees on December 21, 2012 completely realigning its poles, but rather that this catastrophic event is survivable to some extent providing our collective governments will take two important steps. The first being to shut down all of earth's nuclear facilities and the second that they shut down and cap off all of earth's oil wells. This must be done well in advance of December 21, 2012...We can survive this, we have on numerous occasions in the past but on those occasions there were no nuclear plants or oil wells to foul the atmosphere and earth's waters.....This phenomena, as "The Orion Prophecy" shows us, is part of earth's natural cycle and occurs roughly every 12,000 years when our suns magnetic influence to cause our earth to respond by rolling over and centring its poles to a new position.” The Orion Prophecy" is a must read for all thinking people everywhere and I challenge anyone to disprove its data.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Will The Earth Burn Up In 2012?
There has been much talk of late about the supposed doomsday prediction of December 21, 2012 as reflected in the Mayan long calendar. Most of the ancient Mayan codices were burned by Spanish monks in 1521 as works of the devil. A few survived including the so called Dresden Codex. This 74 page codex written on tree bark and apparently from the famous Mayan temple and observatory at Chichen Itza was sent by Cortes to Emperor Charles V in 1519. Somehow it found its way to the Royal Library at the Court of Saxony in Dresden where it was purchased from a private collector by Johann Christian Goetze. While it was damaged by the fire bombing of Dresden during WWII, much has survived.
From this work, which was written between 1200 and 1250 AD, numerous astronomical and calendar data points were found including information on eclipses, the transit of the planet Venus as well as information on the motion of the moon, stars and the sun. It has been determined by research scholars that the Mayan long count calendar ends on which equates to our date of December 21, 2012 at 10AM GMT. On that day it has been surmised the end will come.
According to my research, many have tried to tie this upcoming apocalyptic winter solstice day with a solar shift, solar storms, and a transit of Venus as well as with severe earthquakes. Is there any truth to these allegations? According to some astronomers, on this day our solar system will intersect with the Galactic Equator which only happens every 26,000 years. Since the Mayan calendar began in 3114 BC, they had never experienced anything like this before. The Mayans called this event the Sacred Tree. This alignment with the center of the galaxy also allows for maximum mass and thus maximum gravity.
According to the National Earthquake Information Service of the US Geological Survey, earthquakes have gradually increased from 1 severe quake between 1890 and 1899 to 765 from 2000-2004. Could this be due to our solar systems movement towards this Galactic Equator?
NASA predicts that a terrific solar storm will hit the earth in 2012 which will be 30-50 percent greater than anything before it. I believe that there has been global warming over the past decades but it is related to sunspot activity on the sun not carbon dioxide emissions. The sun has gotten hotter and that has affected the earth. A massive solar blast from the sun in 2012 could burn up the earth as could a collision with an asteroid or a comet.
There has even been talk of a polar shift which could disrupt the functioning of the entire earth and could change the axis of rotation. Such a shift has taken place in our geologic past and could happen again. If it happened on December, 21, 2012, it would truly be a day to remember.
This apocalyptic date of December 21, 2012 is also supposedly found in Hopi myths, the I-Ching, Aztec writings, Egyptian hieroglyphs, Roman Oracles, writing of Seneca Elders, the chief Shaman of the Cherokee Tribe in NC, and even the writings of Nostradamus, The Russian mathematician Sergey Smelyakov of Khartov University taking the constant Phi (1.6180339), the so called Golden Mean or the Fibonacci sequence, and applying it to solar activity and planetary orbits, found that everything seemed to spiral in on itself on December 21, 2012 implying a time implosion or point of bifurcation.
The planet Venus is set to make a transit across the face of the sun on December 21, 2012 which happens very infrequently. It did happen recently, however, on June 8, 2004 which means it will happen again in eight years which is very unusual but predicted by the Mayans.
I cannot tell you for certain that the earth will be consumed by fire in 2012 or that there will be a polar shift or severe earthquakes, but I can tell you with certainty that one day in the not too distant future it will be consumed by fire and experience a polar shift and severe earthquakes. I can say that because the word of God says so and it did beginning over 2700 years ago, long before the Mayans or the Aztecs or the Hopi or the Seneca or the I-Ching or Nostradamus.
Once before because of its sin the earth was destroyed by water in the Great Flood of Noah's day but the Bible says that the world will be destroyed again, this time by fire.
"The present heavens and earth, by His word, are being reserved for fire, kept for the Day of Judgment and the destruction of ungodly men" (2Peter 3:7).
"But the day of the Lord will come like a thief in which the heavens will pass away with a roar and the elements will be destroyed with intense heat and the earth and its works will be burned up" (2Peter 3:10).
"The sun scorched men with fire" (Revelation 16:8).
"A third of the earth was burned up and a third of the trees were burned up and all the green grass was burned up. A great mountain (asteroid?) burning with fire was thrown into the sea and a third of the sea became blood and a third of the creatures which were in the sea and had life died and a third of the ships were destroyed. And a great star (comet?) fell from heaven burning like a torch and it fell on a third of the rivers and springs of water (Revelation 8:7-11).
"The inhabitants of the earth are burned and few men are left" (Isaiah 24:6).
"The hills melt and the earth is burned up" (Nahum 1:5).
Once again, many have associated December 21, 2012 with a shift in the poles as well as signs in the sky. What does the Bible tell us about these events?
"The stars will fall from the sky" (Matthew 24:29).
If the earth shifts on its axis and we are thrown around, the stars will appear to fall but it will actually be us that are moving.
"The earth is broken asunder. The earth is split through. The earth is shaken violently. Thee earth reels to and fro like a drunkard and it totters like a shack "(Isaiah 24:19-20).
Once again a shift in the polar axis might tear the earth apart.
"There will be great earthquakes. The sun became black like sackcloth; the moon became like blood.The stars of the sky fell to the earth... The sky split apart like a scroll when it is rolled up.every mountain and island moved out of their place' (Revelation 6:12-14).
More shaking of the earth.
"There will be great earthquakes and in various places plagues and famines and there will be terrors and great signs from heaven. There will be signs in the sun and the moon and stars and upon the earth great dismay among nations in perplexity at the roaring of the sea and the waves. Men fainting from fear as the powers of heaven will be shaken" (Luke 21:9, 25-26).
Here we see the Bible tell us about signs in the heavens spoken of in relation to December 21, 2012. But what do we do when we see these things happening?
"When you see these things happening, recognize that the kingdom of God is near. Truly I say to you that this generation will not pass away until all things take place.But when these things begin to take place straighten up and lift up your heads because your redemption is drawing near" (Luke 21:31,32, 28).
God assures us that:
"Heaven and earth will pass away but My words shall not pass away" (Matthew 24:35).
Some people ask why God takes so long to punish the ungodly:
"The Lord is not slow about His promise as some count slowness but is patient toward you not wishing for any to perish but for all to come to repentance (2Peter 3:9).
Remember this as the end fast approaches.
Stephen Yulish was always interested in UFOs and was a member of NICAP and APRO in the 1960s after reading Project Bluebook. He studied astronomy and exobiology at Case Western Reserve University and graduated in 1969. He eventually became a History Professor at The University of Arizona for seven years where he visited Allen Hyneck's Tucson group. He became interested in Bible Prophecy after he had a headon collision with Jesus Christ in 1988. He is presently disabled with MS and writes about endtime scenarios.
From this work, which was written between 1200 and 1250 AD, numerous astronomical and calendar data points were found including information on eclipses, the transit of the planet Venus as well as information on the motion of the moon, stars and the sun. It has been determined by research scholars that the Mayan long count calendar ends on which equates to our date of December 21, 2012 at 10AM GMT. On that day it has been surmised the end will come.
According to my research, many have tried to tie this upcoming apocalyptic winter solstice day with a solar shift, solar storms, and a transit of Venus as well as with severe earthquakes. Is there any truth to these allegations? According to some astronomers, on this day our solar system will intersect with the Galactic Equator which only happens every 26,000 years. Since the Mayan calendar began in 3114 BC, they had never experienced anything like this before. The Mayans called this event the Sacred Tree. This alignment with the center of the galaxy also allows for maximum mass and thus maximum gravity.
According to the National Earthquake Information Service of the US Geological Survey, earthquakes have gradually increased from 1 severe quake between 1890 and 1899 to 765 from 2000-2004. Could this be due to our solar systems movement towards this Galactic Equator?
NASA predicts that a terrific solar storm will hit the earth in 2012 which will be 30-50 percent greater than anything before it. I believe that there has been global warming over the past decades but it is related to sunspot activity on the sun not carbon dioxide emissions. The sun has gotten hotter and that has affected the earth. A massive solar blast from the sun in 2012 could burn up the earth as could a collision with an asteroid or a comet.
There has even been talk of a polar shift which could disrupt the functioning of the entire earth and could change the axis of rotation. Such a shift has taken place in our geologic past and could happen again. If it happened on December, 21, 2012, it would truly be a day to remember.
This apocalyptic date of December 21, 2012 is also supposedly found in Hopi myths, the I-Ching, Aztec writings, Egyptian hieroglyphs, Roman Oracles, writing of Seneca Elders, the chief Shaman of the Cherokee Tribe in NC, and even the writings of Nostradamus, The Russian mathematician Sergey Smelyakov of Khartov University taking the constant Phi (1.6180339), the so called Golden Mean or the Fibonacci sequence, and applying it to solar activity and planetary orbits, found that everything seemed to spiral in on itself on December 21, 2012 implying a time implosion or point of bifurcation.
The planet Venus is set to make a transit across the face of the sun on December 21, 2012 which happens very infrequently. It did happen recently, however, on June 8, 2004 which means it will happen again in eight years which is very unusual but predicted by the Mayans.
I cannot tell you for certain that the earth will be consumed by fire in 2012 or that there will be a polar shift or severe earthquakes, but I can tell you with certainty that one day in the not too distant future it will be consumed by fire and experience a polar shift and severe earthquakes. I can say that because the word of God says so and it did beginning over 2700 years ago, long before the Mayans or the Aztecs or the Hopi or the Seneca or the I-Ching or Nostradamus.
Once before because of its sin the earth was destroyed by water in the Great Flood of Noah's day but the Bible says that the world will be destroyed again, this time by fire.
"The present heavens and earth, by His word, are being reserved for fire, kept for the Day of Judgment and the destruction of ungodly men" (2Peter 3:7).
"But the day of the Lord will come like a thief in which the heavens will pass away with a roar and the elements will be destroyed with intense heat and the earth and its works will be burned up" (2Peter 3:10).
"The sun scorched men with fire" (Revelation 16:8).
"A third of the earth was burned up and a third of the trees were burned up and all the green grass was burned up. A great mountain (asteroid?) burning with fire was thrown into the sea and a third of the sea became blood and a third of the creatures which were in the sea and had life died and a third of the ships were destroyed. And a great star (comet?) fell from heaven burning like a torch and it fell on a third of the rivers and springs of water (Revelation 8:7-11).
"The inhabitants of the earth are burned and few men are left" (Isaiah 24:6).
"The hills melt and the earth is burned up" (Nahum 1:5).
Once again, many have associated December 21, 2012 with a shift in the poles as well as signs in the sky. What does the Bible tell us about these events?
"The stars will fall from the sky" (Matthew 24:29).
If the earth shifts on its axis and we are thrown around, the stars will appear to fall but it will actually be us that are moving.
"The earth is broken asunder. The earth is split through. The earth is shaken violently. Thee earth reels to and fro like a drunkard and it totters like a shack "(Isaiah 24:19-20).
Once again a shift in the polar axis might tear the earth apart.
"There will be great earthquakes. The sun became black like sackcloth; the moon became like blood.The stars of the sky fell to the earth... The sky split apart like a scroll when it is rolled up.every mountain and island moved out of their place' (Revelation 6:12-14).
More shaking of the earth.
"There will be great earthquakes and in various places plagues and famines and there will be terrors and great signs from heaven. There will be signs in the sun and the moon and stars and upon the earth great dismay among nations in perplexity at the roaring of the sea and the waves. Men fainting from fear as the powers of heaven will be shaken" (Luke 21:9, 25-26).
Here we see the Bible tell us about signs in the heavens spoken of in relation to December 21, 2012. But what do we do when we see these things happening?
"When you see these things happening, recognize that the kingdom of God is near. Truly I say to you that this generation will not pass away until all things take place.But when these things begin to take place straighten up and lift up your heads because your redemption is drawing near" (Luke 21:31,32, 28).
God assures us that:
"Heaven and earth will pass away but My words shall not pass away" (Matthew 24:35).
Some people ask why God takes so long to punish the ungodly:
"The Lord is not slow about His promise as some count slowness but is patient toward you not wishing for any to perish but for all to come to repentance (2Peter 3:9).
Remember this as the end fast approaches.
Stephen Yulish was always interested in UFOs and was a member of NICAP and APRO in the 1960s after reading Project Bluebook. He studied astronomy and exobiology at Case Western Reserve University and graduated in 1969. He eventually became a History Professor at The University of Arizona for seven years where he visited Allen Hyneck's Tucson group. He became interested in Bible Prophecy after he had a headon collision with Jesus Christ in 1988. He is presently disabled with MS and writes about endtime scenarios.
December 21 2012 Judgment Day
science can neither confirm nor discredit the validity of many religiously or prophetically deemed judgment days of the future, the soonest of which will be arriving December 21, 2012, the final day of the Mayan Calendar. Although the Mayas reached their conclusion astrologically, many religious beliefs and prophets have also independently attached different earth-shattering events to take place during relatively the same neighborhood in time. As the winter solstice of 2012 draws nearer, scientists and skeptics alike are paying close attention to the world's development and potential signs that might support the Mayan calendar's End-Time date or the religious belief of others in a prophesied Judgment Day. Most religions throughout history that believe in a God or a Creator have had some sort a judgment day within their belief system. In each case, this is a time when the earth shall be destroyed or cleansed of the wrong-doers and those that believe in their God shall be saved or brought to heaven to reside in His Kingdom. Although many predicted judgment days have already come and gone without incident, the fact that several others fall relatively close to the Maya's astrologically derived end-time has been the cause of some special attention given to this particular date in the near future.
Both the Jewish and the Islamic faiths have specific end-time dates arriving within 229 years of the Mayan prediction in 2012. The Jewish date is in October of 2240 while the Islamic date falls in the "Year of the Haj" in 2076. The Jewish faith maintains that each one thousand years marks one day for God. Both the Jewish calendar and the Old Testament of the Bible state that on the seventh day of God, everything that belongs to Him shall be returned to Him. Likewise, many Christian prophets have claimed that He shall return on the third day of God, which could be anytime between January 1, 2001 and December 31, 3000, each day of God again being represented by a thousand years.
The Christian faith gives no specific date for when God is going to return to earth and destroy all evil while taking His followers with him to Heaven. Instead, the Book of Revelations talks of diminishing faith, increased violence, world wars, world catastrophes, and natural disasters mounting shortly before His reappearance. Many religious leaders look at today's crime rates, Tsunamis, earthquakes, hurricanes, wars being fought between nations, and the growing number of atheists as signs that God's return will be soon. In 2005, La Voz De Aztlan reported, "...many of the Old and New Testament biblical prophecies of the end-times correlate amazingly with religious beliefs of the Mayas and other indigenous civilizations of the western hemisphere."
The Mayan calendars use astrology rather than faith in pin-pointing their version of the last day on earth as we know it. The Mayas were well ahead of their time in regards to tracking the stars and motions in the skies. They managed to track patterns in the universe that scientists were unable to rediscover until hundreds of years later. Their calendars are based on the alignments of Venus in relation to the Earth, or the positions of particular stars and their relation to the planets and solar system. The mere fact that they were aware of a solar system and the difference between planets and stars without the use of high-powered telescopes baffles scientists and historians to this day. Nonetheless, their calendars have been proven to be by far the most accurate in existence.
The Mayans claim that time will no longer be able to be measured after December 21, 2012 because it will no longer consistently travel in the same pattern that it does today. This could very easily be a description of what would happen to time if the earth got thrown off its axis. Once it starts spinning at a different speed and angle, the days will be longer or shorter. Likewise, if its orbit around the sun is changed, so is the length of a year. Their explanation was that the solar system will reach the conclusion of a 5,125 year natural cycle on December 21, 2012, at which time drastic changes will take place. These changes will be the cause of a day no longer consisting of twenty-four hours and a year no longer being three hundred and sixty-five and a quarter days. Scientists have confirmed that, in much the same manner as a year cycles through the four seasons, the Mayas were once again correct in regards to the 5,125 year seasonal cycle of the solar system.
Along with the different religious beliefs and the ancient astrology of the Mayas, there is one major prophet that has earned the right to be listened to who also confirms that the world is soon in for a major change. Nostradamus was born more than 500 years ago in France in 1503 A.D. From 1555 to 1566, he wrote hundreds of quatrains. Each of these quatrains is a prediction, a vision he claimed he had gotten from the future that had been delivered to him by God. Most of his predictions were related to the political and economic conditions of his own era, the late 1500's and into the 1600's, but he also counted the number of future world wars correctly, going so far as to name "Hizler" as the second anti-Christ behind World War II. In the early 1560's, he described wars fought from the air and from below the ocean's surface. He goes on to write about 'the new city' that gets flattened soon before the third and final world war. Many scholarly translators of Nostradamus' work believe this prediction came to fruition on September 11, 2001 with the World Trade Center's collapse in New York City.
From his quatrains that are considered relevant to today and potentially coincide with the type of dramatic changes that would take place during the prophesied end-time days, some experts translate to state that a war will begin out of the Middle East and the third anti-Christ will be a man with a turban and a beard. He predicts that there will be massive, worldwide loss of life, both militant and civilian. He then claims that a millennium of peace will follow this final world war, which some interpret as starting over, or not enough people left in the world to fight.
Nostradamus was well-known and not appreciated by the government in power at the time of his writings. Much of his work was written in a coded language that he himself invented while constantly traveling throughout Italy and France in case the government got their hands on them. It is for this reason that his predictions cannot be taken to the bank. There is no doubt that Nostradamus had an incredible insight of some sort to be aware of world wars, planes, and submarines, to name but a few, hundreds of years before they took place or were invented. Precise dates, and many times the event itself, however, are subject to translation of his original work, which not every translator sees eye to eye on.
In light of so many unrelated sources pinpointing the same relatively small span of time for a cataclysmic event to occur, many scientists are carefully tracking the numbers and severities of today's natural disasters and comparing them closely to the past. In Revelations, as the world as we know it nears its final days, natural disasters are on the increase. According to the U.S. Geological Survey, a government funded organization, in the 1900's there were 110 earthquakes large enough to cause 1000 or more deaths throughout the world. Breaking the century down to first half and second half, there were exactly fifty-five earthquakes of this magnitude during the first fifty years. There were also exactly fifty-five earthquakes during the second fifty years of the 1900's. So they have not increased in numbers. However, using the number of deaths as a determining factor in history is irrelevant because of the growth and greater densities of the population as time progresses. The great San Francisco earthquake of 1906, for example, caused 3,000 deaths. With today's population, that same earthquake could easily be responsible for 30,000 deaths.
This leaves us to look at the severity of the earthquakes. The Richter Magnitude scale is used to measure the strength of each quake. During the first fifty years, the 1.1 earthquakes per year averaged a 6.6 on the Richter scale. During the second fifty years, the average was 6.9. This may not look like a very large difference, but in this point system, each tenth of a point is almost double the strength of the previous tenth. And having pointed that out, we should take note of the fact that the U.S. Geological Survey team also has recorded seven such earthquakes thus far in the 2000's. The average in numbers is only half an earthquake more per year, but the average Richter scale level has risen quite a bit to 7.5.
Hurricanes and tropical storms are also being closely tracked. According to the National Hurricane Center, the United States had more hurricanes in the first half of the 1900's than the second half by twenty-three, but the percentage of those hurricanes that were ranked in the most severe categories rose from 32% to 39% in the latter half.
On the most recent years, CNN News reports that a record number of storms hit the U.S. in 2005. The seasonal average for named storms is ten. Six of those are hurricanes and two of those are major. In 2005 alone, there were a record twenty-seven named storms, thirteen of which were hurricanes, and seven of which were major. That puts over 50% of the hurricanes into the higher categories, a dramatic increase from the last century.
Another natural phenomenon going on right now that scientist and governments alike are very concerned about that could potentially cause the realization of the Mayan prediction regarding the fate of the earth, is global warming, or more specifically, the melting of the earth's ice caps. CBS NEWS reported on February 19, 2006, that the ice caps have been frozen for more than 100,000 years but will have melted by the end of this century. "Temps in the arctic are rising twice as fast as they are in the rest of the world" (Bill Owens).
Bob Corell, one of the world's top authorities on climate change, recently joined with 300 scientists from eight countries and put together The Arctic Climate Impact Assessment. Their reported conclusion was, "The entire planet is out of balance...In 10 years, here in the arctic, we [will] see what the rest of the planet will see in 25 or 30 years from now." Corell adds, for CBS News, that sea levels which have risen 10 inches over the last century will have risen an additional three feet during the next 100 years. The result of this would cause the lowlands in virtually every country in the world to be under water. The Netherlands would simply no longer exist.
On August 23, 2005, the India Daily Technology Team, released a study about the overall condition of our planet, stating "The tectonic plate shifts, underwater volcanoes, earthquakes, landslides and Tsunamis are increasing at rates never seen before...The number of floods and droughts has increased beyond imagination in the last ten years." The numbers in some cases are indeed up, but in most there is little change. However, the intensity or magnitude of these natural disasters has most definitely increased and currently show no signs of changing this trend.
The increased severities of these storms and earthquakes, as well as the predicted melting of the ice caps, are all natural phenomenon that may be taking place as part of the natural cycle of the solar system. Just as every summer melts away the winter snow and ice, the rising temperatures here on earth could be a part of a change of seasons in the solar system. Since the end of this cycle occurs December 21, 2012, it stands to reason that a new cycle will begin on December 22, 2012. We know that the solar system, as well as the planet we live on, has been through this cycle countless times in its billions of years of existence. We also know that the earth has been through many of these cycles without falling off its axis. Since the ice caps are not predicted to melt completely for another century or so, and the new solar season begins in less than six years, it is quite possible that the new season could begin to correct these natural phenomena before they contribute to the destruction of life on this planet as we know it. It is virtually impossible to know what daily or even yearly changes in the earth's climate may have taken place in the last decade or two before the end of the last solar cycle 5,119 years ago.
Something cosmic may indeed happen on December 21, 2012, but all we need to do is look back a few years to 1999 when the world held its breath as the calendar shifted to a new century.
People were stocking up on supplies and preparing for a world-wide economic collapse just before the turn of the century based purely on the suspicions of a few paranoid folks in power. By 2010, the paranoia that the Maya's might be correct will undoubtedly reach discussion levels to equal the intensity of Y2K, if not surpass it. But without concrete scientific evidence that the structure of time is going to change as in the Mayan prediction, or that the earth is going to change its rotation or orbit around the sun in less than six years, in my opinion, we will more than likely see another prophesied judgment day come and go once again. Then after a collective, global, sigh of relief, we will undoubtedly shift our attention to the next potential judgment day in 2040 when all nine planets of our solar system line up in a straight line for the first time in hundreds of thousands of years.
Both the Jewish and the Islamic faiths have specific end-time dates arriving within 229 years of the Mayan prediction in 2012. The Jewish date is in October of 2240 while the Islamic date falls in the "Year of the Haj" in 2076. The Jewish faith maintains that each one thousand years marks one day for God. Both the Jewish calendar and the Old Testament of the Bible state that on the seventh day of God, everything that belongs to Him shall be returned to Him. Likewise, many Christian prophets have claimed that He shall return on the third day of God, which could be anytime between January 1, 2001 and December 31, 3000, each day of God again being represented by a thousand years.
The Christian faith gives no specific date for when God is going to return to earth and destroy all evil while taking His followers with him to Heaven. Instead, the Book of Revelations talks of diminishing faith, increased violence, world wars, world catastrophes, and natural disasters mounting shortly before His reappearance. Many religious leaders look at today's crime rates, Tsunamis, earthquakes, hurricanes, wars being fought between nations, and the growing number of atheists as signs that God's return will be soon. In 2005, La Voz De Aztlan reported, "...many of the Old and New Testament biblical prophecies of the end-times correlate amazingly with religious beliefs of the Mayas and other indigenous civilizations of the western hemisphere."
The Mayan calendars use astrology rather than faith in pin-pointing their version of the last day on earth as we know it. The Mayas were well ahead of their time in regards to tracking the stars and motions in the skies. They managed to track patterns in the universe that scientists were unable to rediscover until hundreds of years later. Their calendars are based on the alignments of Venus in relation to the Earth, or the positions of particular stars and their relation to the planets and solar system. The mere fact that they were aware of a solar system and the difference between planets and stars without the use of high-powered telescopes baffles scientists and historians to this day. Nonetheless, their calendars have been proven to be by far the most accurate in existence.
The Mayans claim that time will no longer be able to be measured after December 21, 2012 because it will no longer consistently travel in the same pattern that it does today. This could very easily be a description of what would happen to time if the earth got thrown off its axis. Once it starts spinning at a different speed and angle, the days will be longer or shorter. Likewise, if its orbit around the sun is changed, so is the length of a year. Their explanation was that the solar system will reach the conclusion of a 5,125 year natural cycle on December 21, 2012, at which time drastic changes will take place. These changes will be the cause of a day no longer consisting of twenty-four hours and a year no longer being three hundred and sixty-five and a quarter days. Scientists have confirmed that, in much the same manner as a year cycles through the four seasons, the Mayas were once again correct in regards to the 5,125 year seasonal cycle of the solar system.
Along with the different religious beliefs and the ancient astrology of the Mayas, there is one major prophet that has earned the right to be listened to who also confirms that the world is soon in for a major change. Nostradamus was born more than 500 years ago in France in 1503 A.D. From 1555 to 1566, he wrote hundreds of quatrains. Each of these quatrains is a prediction, a vision he claimed he had gotten from the future that had been delivered to him by God. Most of his predictions were related to the political and economic conditions of his own era, the late 1500's and into the 1600's, but he also counted the number of future world wars correctly, going so far as to name "Hizler" as the second anti-Christ behind World War II. In the early 1560's, he described wars fought from the air and from below the ocean's surface. He goes on to write about 'the new city' that gets flattened soon before the third and final world war. Many scholarly translators of Nostradamus' work believe this prediction came to fruition on September 11, 2001 with the World Trade Center's collapse in New York City.
From his quatrains that are considered relevant to today and potentially coincide with the type of dramatic changes that would take place during the prophesied end-time days, some experts translate to state that a war will begin out of the Middle East and the third anti-Christ will be a man with a turban and a beard. He predicts that there will be massive, worldwide loss of life, both militant and civilian. He then claims that a millennium of peace will follow this final world war, which some interpret as starting over, or not enough people left in the world to fight.
Nostradamus was well-known and not appreciated by the government in power at the time of his writings. Much of his work was written in a coded language that he himself invented while constantly traveling throughout Italy and France in case the government got their hands on them. It is for this reason that his predictions cannot be taken to the bank. There is no doubt that Nostradamus had an incredible insight of some sort to be aware of world wars, planes, and submarines, to name but a few, hundreds of years before they took place or were invented. Precise dates, and many times the event itself, however, are subject to translation of his original work, which not every translator sees eye to eye on.
In light of so many unrelated sources pinpointing the same relatively small span of time for a cataclysmic event to occur, many scientists are carefully tracking the numbers and severities of today's natural disasters and comparing them closely to the past. In Revelations, as the world as we know it nears its final days, natural disasters are on the increase. According to the U.S. Geological Survey, a government funded organization, in the 1900's there were 110 earthquakes large enough to cause 1000 or more deaths throughout the world. Breaking the century down to first half and second half, there were exactly fifty-five earthquakes of this magnitude during the first fifty years. There were also exactly fifty-five earthquakes during the second fifty years of the 1900's. So they have not increased in numbers. However, using the number of deaths as a determining factor in history is irrelevant because of the growth and greater densities of the population as time progresses. The great San Francisco earthquake of 1906, for example, caused 3,000 deaths. With today's population, that same earthquake could easily be responsible for 30,000 deaths.
This leaves us to look at the severity of the earthquakes. The Richter Magnitude scale is used to measure the strength of each quake. During the first fifty years, the 1.1 earthquakes per year averaged a 6.6 on the Richter scale. During the second fifty years, the average was 6.9. This may not look like a very large difference, but in this point system, each tenth of a point is almost double the strength of the previous tenth. And having pointed that out, we should take note of the fact that the U.S. Geological Survey team also has recorded seven such earthquakes thus far in the 2000's. The average in numbers is only half an earthquake more per year, but the average Richter scale level has risen quite a bit to 7.5.
Hurricanes and tropical storms are also being closely tracked. According to the National Hurricane Center, the United States had more hurricanes in the first half of the 1900's than the second half by twenty-three, but the percentage of those hurricanes that were ranked in the most severe categories rose from 32% to 39% in the latter half.
On the most recent years, CNN News reports that a record number of storms hit the U.S. in 2005. The seasonal average for named storms is ten. Six of those are hurricanes and two of those are major. In 2005 alone, there were a record twenty-seven named storms, thirteen of which were hurricanes, and seven of which were major. That puts over 50% of the hurricanes into the higher categories, a dramatic increase from the last century.
Another natural phenomenon going on right now that scientist and governments alike are very concerned about that could potentially cause the realization of the Mayan prediction regarding the fate of the earth, is global warming, or more specifically, the melting of the earth's ice caps. CBS NEWS reported on February 19, 2006, that the ice caps have been frozen for more than 100,000 years but will have melted by the end of this century. "Temps in the arctic are rising twice as fast as they are in the rest of the world" (Bill Owens).
Bob Corell, one of the world's top authorities on climate change, recently joined with 300 scientists from eight countries and put together The Arctic Climate Impact Assessment. Their reported conclusion was, "The entire planet is out of balance...In 10 years, here in the arctic, we [will] see what the rest of the planet will see in 25 or 30 years from now." Corell adds, for CBS News, that sea levels which have risen 10 inches over the last century will have risen an additional three feet during the next 100 years. The result of this would cause the lowlands in virtually every country in the world to be under water. The Netherlands would simply no longer exist.
On August 23, 2005, the India Daily Technology Team, released a study about the overall condition of our planet, stating "The tectonic plate shifts, underwater volcanoes, earthquakes, landslides and Tsunamis are increasing at rates never seen before...The number of floods and droughts has increased beyond imagination in the last ten years." The numbers in some cases are indeed up, but in most there is little change. However, the intensity or magnitude of these natural disasters has most definitely increased and currently show no signs of changing this trend.
The increased severities of these storms and earthquakes, as well as the predicted melting of the ice caps, are all natural phenomenon that may be taking place as part of the natural cycle of the solar system. Just as every summer melts away the winter snow and ice, the rising temperatures here on earth could be a part of a change of seasons in the solar system. Since the end of this cycle occurs December 21, 2012, it stands to reason that a new cycle will begin on December 22, 2012. We know that the solar system, as well as the planet we live on, has been through this cycle countless times in its billions of years of existence. We also know that the earth has been through many of these cycles without falling off its axis. Since the ice caps are not predicted to melt completely for another century or so, and the new solar season begins in less than six years, it is quite possible that the new season could begin to correct these natural phenomena before they contribute to the destruction of life on this planet as we know it. It is virtually impossible to know what daily or even yearly changes in the earth's climate may have taken place in the last decade or two before the end of the last solar cycle 5,119 years ago.
Something cosmic may indeed happen on December 21, 2012, but all we need to do is look back a few years to 1999 when the world held its breath as the calendar shifted to a new century.
People were stocking up on supplies and preparing for a world-wide economic collapse just before the turn of the century based purely on the suspicions of a few paranoid folks in power. By 2010, the paranoia that the Maya's might be correct will undoubtedly reach discussion levels to equal the intensity of Y2K, if not surpass it. But without concrete scientific evidence that the structure of time is going to change as in the Mayan prediction, or that the earth is going to change its rotation or orbit around the sun in less than six years, in my opinion, we will more than likely see another prophesied judgment day come and go once again. Then after a collective, global, sigh of relief, we will undoubtedly shift our attention to the next potential judgment day in 2040 when all nine planets of our solar system line up in a straight line for the first time in hundreds of thousands of years.
Dear All:
This photo is a very rare one, taken by NASA. This kind of event occurs once in 3000 years.
This photo has done miracles in many lives.
Make a wish ... you have looked at the eye of God.
Surely you will see the changes in your life within a day.
Whether you believe it or not, don't keep this mail with you.
This is a picture NASA took with the hubble telescope.
Called "The Eye of God".
Too awesome to delete. It is worth sharing Pass this at least to 7 persons. God bless you.
This photo is a very rare one, taken by NASA. This kind of event occurs once in 3000 years.
This photo has done miracles in many lives.
Make a wish ... you have looked at the eye of God.
Surely you will see the changes in your life within a day.
Whether you believe it or not, don't keep this mail with you.
This is a picture NASA took with the hubble telescope.
Called "The Eye of God".
Too awesome to delete. It is worth sharing Pass this at least to 7 persons. God bless you.

Monday, June 8, 2009
what was announced by nasa on 2012
Solar minimum has arrived. Sunspots have all but vanished. Solar flares are nonexistent. The sun is utterly quiet.
Like the quiet before a storm.
This week researchers announced that a storm is coming--the most intense solar maximum in fifty years. The prediction comes from a team led by Mausumi Dikpati of the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR). "The next sunspot cycle will be 30% to 50% stronger than the previous one," she says. If correct, the years ahead could produce a burst of solar activity second only to the historic Solar Max of 1958.
That was a solar maximum. The Space Age was just beginning: Sputnik was launched in Oct. 1957 and Explorer 1 (the first US satellite) in Jan. 1958. In 1958 you couldn't tell that a solar storm was underway by looking at the bars on your cell phone; cell phones didn't exist. Even so, people knew something big was happening when Northern Lights were sighted three times in Mexico. A similar maximum now would be noticed by its effect on cell phones, GPS, weather satellites and many other modern technologies.
Right: Intense auroras over Fairbanks, Alaska, in 1958. [More]
Dikpati's prediction is unprecedented. In nearly-two centuries since the 11-year sunspot cycle was discovered, scientists have struggled to predict the size of future maxima—and failed. Solar maxima can be intense, as in 1958, or barely detectable, as in 1805, obeying no obvious pattern.
The key to the mystery, Dikpati realized years ago, is a conveyor belt on the sun.
We have something similar here on Earth—the Great Ocean Conveyor Belt, popularized in the sci-fi movie The Day After Tomorrow. It is a network of currents that carry water and heat from ocean to ocean--see the diagram below. In the movie, the Conveyor Belt stopped and threw the world's weather into chaos.

Above: Earth's "Great Ocean Conveyor Belt." [More]
The sun's conveyor belt is a current, not of water, but of electrically-conducting gas. It flows in a loop from the sun's equator to the poles and back again. Just as the Great Ocean Conveyor Belt controls weather on Earth, this solar conveyor belt controls weather on the sun. Specifically, it controls the sunspot cycle.
Solar physicist David Hathaway of the National Space Science & Technology Center (NSSTC) explains: "First, remember what sunspots are--tangled knots of magnetism generated by the sun's inner dynamo. A typical sunspot exists for just a few weeks. Then it decays, leaving behind a 'corpse' of weak magnetic fields."
Enter the conveyor belt.
"The top of the conveyor belt skims the surface of the sun, sweeping up the magnetic fields of old, dead sunspots. The 'corpses' are dragged down at the poles to a depth of 200,000 km where the sun's magnetic dynamo can amplify them. Once the corpses (magnetic knots) are reincarnated (amplified), they become buoyant and float back to the surface." Presto—new sunspots!
Above: Earth's "Great Ocean Conveyor Belt." [More]
The sun's conveyor belt is a current, not of water, but of electrically-conducting gas. It flows in a loop from the sun's equator to the poles and back again. Just as the Great Ocean Conveyor Belt controls weather on Earth, this solar conveyor belt controls weather on the sun. Specifically, it controls the sunspot cycle.
Solar physicist David Hathaway of the National Space Science & Technology Center (NSSTC) explains: "First, remember what sunspots are--tangled knots of magnetism generated by the sun's inner dynamo. A typical sunspot exists for just a few weeks. Then it decays, leaving behind a 'corpse' of weak magnetic fields."
Enter the conveyor belt.
"The top of the conveyor belt skims the surface of the sun, sweeping up the magnetic fields of old, dead sunspots. The 'corpses' are dragged down at the poles to a depth of 200,000 km where the sun's magnetic dynamo can amplify them. Once the corpses (magnetic knots) are reincarnated (amplified), they become buoyant and float back to the surface." Presto—new sunspots!

Right: The sun's "great conveyor belt." [Larger image]
All this happens with massive slowness. "It takes about 40 years for the belt to complete one loop," says Hathaway. The speed varies "anywhere from a 50-year pace (slow) to a 30-year pace (fast)."
When the belt is turning "fast," it means that lots of magnetic fields are being swept up, and that a future sunspot cycle is going to be intense. This is a basis for forecasting: "The belt was turning fast in 1986-1996," says Hathaway. "Old magnetic fields swept up then should re-appear as big sunspots in 2010-2011."
Like most experts in the field, Hathaway has confidence in the conveyor belt model and agrees with Dikpati that the next solar maximum should be a doozy. But he disagrees with one point. Dikpati's forecast puts Solar Max at 2012. Hathaway believes it will arrive sooner, in 2010 or 2011.
"History shows that big sunspot cycles 'ramp up' faster than small ones," he says. "I expect to see the first sunspots of the next cycle appear in late 2006 or 2007—and Solar Max to be underway by 2010 or 2011."
Who's right? Time will tell. Either way, a storm is coming.
Like the quiet before a storm.
This week researchers announced that a storm is coming--the most intense solar maximum in fifty years. The prediction comes from a team led by Mausumi Dikpati of the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR). "The next sunspot cycle will be 30% to 50% stronger than the previous one," she says. If correct, the years ahead could produce a burst of solar activity second only to the historic Solar Max of 1958.
That was a solar maximum. The Space Age was just beginning: Sputnik was launched in Oct. 1957 and Explorer 1 (the first US satellite) in Jan. 1958. In 1958 you couldn't tell that a solar storm was underway by looking at the bars on your cell phone; cell phones didn't exist. Even so, people knew something big was happening when Northern Lights were sighted three times in Mexico. A similar maximum now would be noticed by its effect on cell phones, GPS, weather satellites and many other modern technologies.
Right: Intense auroras over Fairbanks, Alaska, in 1958. [More]
Dikpati's prediction is unprecedented. In nearly-two centuries since the 11-year sunspot cycle was discovered, scientists have struggled to predict the size of future maxima—and failed. Solar maxima can be intense, as in 1958, or barely detectable, as in 1805, obeying no obvious pattern.
The key to the mystery, Dikpati realized years ago, is a conveyor belt on the sun.
We have something similar here on Earth—the Great Ocean Conveyor Belt, popularized in the sci-fi movie The Day After Tomorrow. It is a network of currents that carry water and heat from ocean to ocean--see the diagram below. In the movie, the Conveyor Belt stopped and threw the world's weather into chaos.

Above: Earth's "Great Ocean Conveyor Belt." [More]
The sun's conveyor belt is a current, not of water, but of electrically-conducting gas. It flows in a loop from the sun's equator to the poles and back again. Just as the Great Ocean Conveyor Belt controls weather on Earth, this solar conveyor belt controls weather on the sun. Specifically, it controls the sunspot cycle.
Solar physicist David Hathaway of the National Space Science & Technology Center (NSSTC) explains: "First, remember what sunspots are--tangled knots of magnetism generated by the sun's inner dynamo. A typical sunspot exists for just a few weeks. Then it decays, leaving behind a 'corpse' of weak magnetic fields."
Enter the conveyor belt.
"The top of the conveyor belt skims the surface of the sun, sweeping up the magnetic fields of old, dead sunspots. The 'corpses' are dragged down at the poles to a depth of 200,000 km where the sun's magnetic dynamo can amplify them. Once the corpses (magnetic knots) are reincarnated (amplified), they become buoyant and float back to the surface." Presto—new sunspots!
Above: Earth's "Great Ocean Conveyor Belt." [More]
The sun's conveyor belt is a current, not of water, but of electrically-conducting gas. It flows in a loop from the sun's equator to the poles and back again. Just as the Great Ocean Conveyor Belt controls weather on Earth, this solar conveyor belt controls weather on the sun. Specifically, it controls the sunspot cycle.
Solar physicist David Hathaway of the National Space Science & Technology Center (NSSTC) explains: "First, remember what sunspots are--tangled knots of magnetism generated by the sun's inner dynamo. A typical sunspot exists for just a few weeks. Then it decays, leaving behind a 'corpse' of weak magnetic fields."
Enter the conveyor belt.
"The top of the conveyor belt skims the surface of the sun, sweeping up the magnetic fields of old, dead sunspots. The 'corpses' are dragged down at the poles to a depth of 200,000 km where the sun's magnetic dynamo can amplify them. Once the corpses (magnetic knots) are reincarnated (amplified), they become buoyant and float back to the surface." Presto—new sunspots!

Right: The sun's "great conveyor belt." [Larger image]
All this happens with massive slowness. "It takes about 40 years for the belt to complete one loop," says Hathaway. The speed varies "anywhere from a 50-year pace (slow) to a 30-year pace (fast)."
When the belt is turning "fast," it means that lots of magnetic fields are being swept up, and that a future sunspot cycle is going to be intense. This is a basis for forecasting: "The belt was turning fast in 1986-1996," says Hathaway. "Old magnetic fields swept up then should re-appear as big sunspots in 2010-2011."
Like most experts in the field, Hathaway has confidence in the conveyor belt model and agrees with Dikpati that the next solar maximum should be a doozy. But he disagrees with one point. Dikpati's forecast puts Solar Max at 2012. Hathaway believes it will arrive sooner, in 2010 or 2011.
"History shows that big sunspot cycles 'ramp up' faster than small ones," he says. "I expect to see the first sunspots of the next cycle appear in late 2006 or 2007—and Solar Max to be underway by 2010 or 2011."
Who's right? Time will tell. Either way, a storm is coming.
/2.bp.blogspot.com/_7zBDuqVQcHo/Sizvpye081I/AAAAAAAAAOc/mY2FctTi17w/s400/aurora1958_med.jpg" border="0" /
Right: The sun's "great conveyor belt." [Larger image]
All this happens with massive slowness. "It takes about 40 years for the belt to complete one loop," says Hathaway. The speed varies "anywhere from a 50-year pace (slow) to a 30-year pace (fast)."
When the belt is turning "fast," it means that lots of magnetic fields are being swept up, and that a future sunspot cycle is going to be intense. This is a basis for forecasting: "The belt was turning fast in 1986-1996," says Hathaway. "Old magnetic fields swept up then should re-appear as big sunspots in 2010-2011."
Like most experts in the field, Hathaway has confidence in the conveyor belt model and agrees with Dikpati that the next solar maximum should be a doozy. But he disagrees with one point. Dikpati's forecast puts Solar Max at 2012. Hathaway believes it will arrive sooner, in 2010 or 2011.
"History shows that big sunspot cycles 'ramp up' faster than small ones," he says. "I expect to see the first sunspots of the next cycle appear in late 2006 or 2007—and Solar Max to be underway by 2010 or 2011."
Who's right? Time will tell. Either way, a storm is coming.
Why The world will end in 2012
(Several experts from across the globe are predicting that the earth is likely to end by the year 2012. The reason could be a human effect or natural disaster. From Chinese theories to scientific predictions the most likely date is the year 2012. )
SCIENTIFIC EXPERTS from around the world are predicting that five years from now, all life on Earth could well come to an end. Some are saying it’ll be humans that would set it off. Others believe that a natural phenomenon will be the cause. And the religious folks are saying it’ll be God himself who would press the stop button. The following are some likely arguments as to why the world would end by the year 2012.
Reason one: Mayan calendar
The first to predict 2012 as the end of the world were the Mayans, a bloodthirsty race that were good at two things -- building highly accurate astrological equipment out of stone and sacrificing virgins.
Thousands of years ago they managed to calculate the length of the lunar moon as 329.53020 days, only 34 seconds out. The Mayan calendar predicts that the earth will end on December 21, 2012. Given that they were pretty close to the mark with the lunar cycle, it’s likely they’ve got the end of the world right as well.
Reason two: Sun storms
Solar experts from around the world monitoring the sun have made a startling discovery. Our sun is in a bit of strife. The energy output of the sun is, like most things in nature, cyclic and it’s supposed to be in the middle of a period of relative stability. However, recent solar storms have been bombarding the earth with lot of radiation energy. It’s been knocking out power grids and destroying satellites. This activity is predicted to get worse and calculations suggest it’ll reach its deadly peak sometime in 2012.
Reason three: The atom smasher
Scientists in Europe have been building the world’s largest particle accelerator. Basically, its a 27 km tunnel designed to smash atoms together to find out what makes the universe tick. However, the mega-gadget has caused serious concern, with some scientists suggesting that it’s properly even a bad idea to turn it on in the first place. They’re predicting all manner of deadly results, including mini black holes. So when this machine is fired up for its first serious experiment in 2012, the world could be crushed into a super-dense blob the size of a basketball.
Reason four: The Bible says it
If having scientists warning us about the end of the world isn’t bad enough, religious folks are getting in on the act as well. Interpretations of the Christian Bible reveal that the date for Armageddon, the final battle between good an evil, has been set for 2012. The I Ching, also known as the Chinese Book of Changes, says the same thing, as do various sections of the Hindu teachings.
Reason five: Super volcano
Yellowstone National Park in United States is famous for its thermal springs and old faithful geyser. The reason for this is simple -- it’s sitting on top of the world’s biggest volcano and geological experts are beginning to get nervous sweats. The Yellowstone volcano has a pattern of erupting every 650,000 years or so, and we’re many years overdue for an explosion that will fill the atmosphere with ash, blocking the sun and plunging the earth into a frozen winter that could last up to 15,000 years. The pressure under the Yellowstone is building steadily, and geologists have set 2012 as a likely date for the big bang.
Reason six: The physicists
This one’s case of bog -- simple maths mathematics. Physicists at Berkely University have been crunching the numbers. They’ve determined that the earth is well overdue for a major catastrophic event.
Even worse, they’re claiming that their calculations prove that we’re all going to die, very soon. They are also saying that their prediction comes with a certainty of 99 per cent; and 2012 just happens to be the best guess as to when it occurs.
Reason seven: Earth’s magnetic field
We all know the Earth is surrounded by a magnetic field that shields us from most of the sun’s radiation. What you might not know is that the magnetic poles we call North and South have a nasty habit of swapping places every 750,000 years or so -- and right now we’re about 30,000 years overdue. Scientists have noted that the poles are drifting apart roughly 20-30 kms each year, much faster than ever before, which points to a pole-shift being right around the corner. While the pole shift is under way, the magnetic field is disrupted and will eventually disappear, sometimes for up to 100 years. The result is enough UV outdoors to crisp your skin in seconds, killing everything it touches.
SCIENTIFIC EXPERTS from around the world are predicting that five years from now, all life on Earth could well come to an end. Some are saying it’ll be humans that would set it off. Others believe that a natural phenomenon will be the cause. And the religious folks are saying it’ll be God himself who would press the stop button. The following are some likely arguments as to why the world would end by the year 2012.
Reason one: Mayan calendar
The first to predict 2012 as the end of the world were the Mayans, a bloodthirsty race that were good at two things -- building highly accurate astrological equipment out of stone and sacrificing virgins.
Thousands of years ago they managed to calculate the length of the lunar moon as 329.53020 days, only 34 seconds out. The Mayan calendar predicts that the earth will end on December 21, 2012. Given that they were pretty close to the mark with the lunar cycle, it’s likely they’ve got the end of the world right as well.
Reason two: Sun storms
Solar experts from around the world monitoring the sun have made a startling discovery. Our sun is in a bit of strife. The energy output of the sun is, like most things in nature, cyclic and it’s supposed to be in the middle of a period of relative stability. However, recent solar storms have been bombarding the earth with lot of radiation energy. It’s been knocking out power grids and destroying satellites. This activity is predicted to get worse and calculations suggest it’ll reach its deadly peak sometime in 2012.
Reason three: The atom smasher
Scientists in Europe have been building the world’s largest particle accelerator. Basically, its a 27 km tunnel designed to smash atoms together to find out what makes the universe tick. However, the mega-gadget has caused serious concern, with some scientists suggesting that it’s properly even a bad idea to turn it on in the first place. They’re predicting all manner of deadly results, including mini black holes. So when this machine is fired up for its first serious experiment in 2012, the world could be crushed into a super-dense blob the size of a basketball.
Reason four: The Bible says it
If having scientists warning us about the end of the world isn’t bad enough, religious folks are getting in on the act as well. Interpretations of the Christian Bible reveal that the date for Armageddon, the final battle between good an evil, has been set for 2012. The I Ching, also known as the Chinese Book of Changes, says the same thing, as do various sections of the Hindu teachings.
Reason five: Super volcano
Yellowstone National Park in United States is famous for its thermal springs and old faithful geyser. The reason for this is simple -- it’s sitting on top of the world’s biggest volcano and geological experts are beginning to get nervous sweats. The Yellowstone volcano has a pattern of erupting every 650,000 years or so, and we’re many years overdue for an explosion that will fill the atmosphere with ash, blocking the sun and plunging the earth into a frozen winter that could last up to 15,000 years. The pressure under the Yellowstone is building steadily, and geologists have set 2012 as a likely date for the big bang.
Reason six: The physicists
This one’s case of bog -- simple maths mathematics. Physicists at Berkely University have been crunching the numbers. They’ve determined that the earth is well overdue for a major catastrophic event.
Even worse, they’re claiming that their calculations prove that we’re all going to die, very soon. They are also saying that their prediction comes with a certainty of 99 per cent; and 2012 just happens to be the best guess as to when it occurs.
Reason seven: Earth’s magnetic field
We all know the Earth is surrounded by a magnetic field that shields us from most of the sun’s radiation. What you might not know is that the magnetic poles we call North and South have a nasty habit of swapping places every 750,000 years or so -- and right now we’re about 30,000 years overdue. Scientists have noted that the poles are drifting apart roughly 20-30 kms each year, much faster than ever before, which points to a pole-shift being right around the corner. While the pole shift is under way, the magnetic field is disrupted and will eventually disappear, sometimes for up to 100 years. The result is enough UV outdoors to crisp your skin in seconds, killing everything it touches.
Saturday, June 6, 2009
The Mayan Calendar
Perhaps the most cited reason that December 21, 2012 is questioned as a very significant day, possibly a shift of ages, or possibly the end of the world – maybe completely, or maybe as we know it today, the Mayan calendar is usually one of the topics at the center of the 2012 discussions.
Located at the northeastern end of the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico, the Maya city of Tulum was once one of the great cities of Maya civilization , built in the 13th century, though their tribe was ancient, around many thousands of years, and up until around the 1500’s when the Spaniards discovered the tribe and took over their lands with advantages of better weaponry. This was the final blow that finally collapsed the civilization.
One of the Mayans’ greatest achievements of all time was the Mayan calendar which was so sophisticated and accurate, that it is regarded as being more precise than our current method used to calculate the passing time. It also demonstrates how very in tune these people were to the stars.
Their calendar consisted of an almanac which was 260 days, and a 365 day year. The almanac was also called a Tzolkin or count of days.
The 365 day year had 18 months of 20 days, and one month of 5 days which were regarded as unlucky. On these unlucky days, they fasted and made sacrifices.
In the Mayan calendar, days were Kins. After 20 days (kins) 1 uinal passed. After 18 uinals, 1 tun passed, and 20 tuns is 1 katun.
1 day = 1 Kin
20 Kin = 1 Uinal (20 Days)
18 Uinals = 1 Tun (360 Days)
20 Tuns = 1 Katun (7,200 Days)
20 Katuns =1 Baktun (144,000 Days)
20 Baktuns = 1 Pictun (2,880,000 Days)
This system is called their Long Count, and allowed them to keep an accurate record of time for thousands of years.
Another interesting cycle is the precession of the equinoxes lasting approximately 26,000 years. The long count of 5,125 years. December 21, 2012 marks the end of the Long Count and precession cycle.
The date December 21st, 2012 A.D. ( in the Long Count), represents a very close conjunction of the Winter Solstice Sun with the crossing point of the Galactic Equator (the center of the Milky Way galaxy) and the Ecliptic (path of the Sun), and the Maya recognized this as the Sacred Tree. The date is so significant that the calendar just stops – after keeping track of thousands and thousands of years, it just stops. The end of a great cycle. Many say the Mayans would celebrate making it to the end of great cycle. I do hope that we're here to celebrate.
Product Description
Famed for the accuracy of their astronomy and the sophistication of their measurement of time, the ancient Mayan civilization has been recognized as one of the most important ever to have existed. According to recently decoded stone monuments and manuscripts the Mayans believed a cataclysmic change will affect the planet on 22 December 2012.On this date the fifth great cycle of time which began on August 11th 3113 BCE will come to a violent end. In this comprehensive book, expert author David Douglas presents compelling evidence for the accuracy of the Mayan calendar in predicting major events in world history and examines the latest scientific research that suggests events such as magnetic field changes and solar flares will indeed culminate in 2012; events which could result in catastrophe for our planet. Featuring a step-by-step guide to understanding and decoding the calendar and thought-provoking insights into the wisdom of this ancient culture, "The Mayan Prophecy 2012" is essential reading for our time.
The winter equinox—December 21-22, 2012—marks the end of the famous Mayan Long Count Calendar. It concludes the 5,000-year “Fourth Age” and heralds a cataclysmic change; either the end of the world as we know it or the dawn of a new golden age. Gerald Benedict has thoroughly studied the Mayan prophecies that focus on this significant date and discovered that they can only be understood in the context of the special relationship that existed between Mayan religion, cosmology, astronomy, mathematics, and spirituality. Benedict brings this deep knowledge to his enlightening and beautiful gift book, which translates each prophecy poetically, explains its message, and elucidates its meaning to bring Mayan wisdom to life again. Above all, he reveals how this ancient civilization and its prophecies remain relevant for us today.
Located at the northeastern end of the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico, the Maya city of Tulum was once one of the great cities of Maya civilization , built in the 13th century, though their tribe was ancient, around many thousands of years, and up until around the 1500’s when the Spaniards discovered the tribe and took over their lands with advantages of better weaponry. This was the final blow that finally collapsed the civilization.
One of the Mayans’ greatest achievements of all time was the Mayan calendar which was so sophisticated and accurate, that it is regarded as being more precise than our current method used to calculate the passing time. It also demonstrates how very in tune these people were to the stars.
Their calendar consisted of an almanac which was 260 days, and a 365 day year. The almanac was also called a Tzolkin or count of days.
The 365 day year had 18 months of 20 days, and one month of 5 days which were regarded as unlucky. On these unlucky days, they fasted and made sacrifices.
In the Mayan calendar, days were Kins. After 20 days (kins) 1 uinal passed. After 18 uinals, 1 tun passed, and 20 tuns is 1 katun.
1 day = 1 Kin
20 Kin = 1 Uinal (20 Days)
18 Uinals = 1 Tun (360 Days)
20 Tuns = 1 Katun (7,200 Days)
20 Katuns =1 Baktun (144,000 Days)
20 Baktuns = 1 Pictun (2,880,000 Days)
This system is called their Long Count, and allowed them to keep an accurate record of time for thousands of years.
Another interesting cycle is the precession of the equinoxes lasting approximately 26,000 years. The long count of 5,125 years. December 21, 2012 marks the end of the Long Count and precession cycle.
The date December 21st, 2012 A.D. ( in the Long Count), represents a very close conjunction of the Winter Solstice Sun with the crossing point of the Galactic Equator (the center of the Milky Way galaxy) and the Ecliptic (path of the Sun), and the Maya recognized this as the Sacred Tree. The date is so significant that the calendar just stops – after keeping track of thousands and thousands of years, it just stops. The end of a great cycle. Many say the Mayans would celebrate making it to the end of great cycle. I do hope that we're here to celebrate.
Product Description
Famed for the accuracy of their astronomy and the sophistication of their measurement of time, the ancient Mayan civilization has been recognized as one of the most important ever to have existed. According to recently decoded stone monuments and manuscripts the Mayans believed a cataclysmic change will affect the planet on 22 December 2012.On this date the fifth great cycle of time which began on August 11th 3113 BCE will come to a violent end. In this comprehensive book, expert author David Douglas presents compelling evidence for the accuracy of the Mayan calendar in predicting major events in world history and examines the latest scientific research that suggests events such as magnetic field changes and solar flares will indeed culminate in 2012; events which could result in catastrophe for our planet. Featuring a step-by-step guide to understanding and decoding the calendar and thought-provoking insights into the wisdom of this ancient culture, "The Mayan Prophecy 2012" is essential reading for our time.
The winter equinox—December 21-22, 2012—marks the end of the famous Mayan Long Count Calendar. It concludes the 5,000-year “Fourth Age” and heralds a cataclysmic change; either the end of the world as we know it or the dawn of a new golden age. Gerald Benedict has thoroughly studied the Mayan prophecies that focus on this significant date and discovered that they can only be understood in the context of the special relationship that existed between Mayan religion, cosmology, astronomy, mathematics, and spirituality. Benedict brings this deep knowledge to his enlightening and beautiful gift book, which translates each prophecy poetically, explains its message, and elucidates its meaning to bring Mayan wisdom to life again. Above all, he reveals how this ancient civilization and its prophecies remain relevant for us today.
You must have probably heard about the “December 21, 2012 - Doomsday” the day when the world is prophesized to come to an end. In fact, you will find it amusing that this December 21, 2012 - End Of The World prophecy has been backed up by so many religions, calendars, and prophecies. So, is this another theory of Apocalypse that will come and go like the ones we have been seeing or is it the one that we should pay attention to? After digging for several hours through the Internet in this matter, I came up with the following worthy information regarding “The End Of The World.
Mayan Calendar: The ancient Mayan calendar states that the world will end in December 21, 2012. The Mayan civilization flourished in Central America from the 6 A.D. to 9 A.D. They were obsessed with time-keeping, and in fact, their calender were so incredibly precise that its interlocking time scales of lunar, solar, and planetary cycles could accurately predict solar/lunar eclipses thousands of years into the future. This accurate calendar however mysteriously ends on December 21, 2012!
It states that on December 21, 2012, the sun rises on the dark rift of the center of the milky way which is referred to as a black hole. In the last five years, the western astronomers have in fact discovered that there is in fact an enormous black hole at the center of our milky way galaxy. The contemporary astronomers concur with the Mayans. On 21st of December, 2012, the Earth will be in exact alignment with the Sun and the center of our milky way galaxy, a galactic event which takes place only once every 25,800 years! No one knows what effect this extraordinary alignment will have on our planet, but the Mayans believe it would be terrible!
The Polar Shift Theory

The Polar Shift Theory: Geophysicists have a theory that is strikingly similar to the events predicted by the Mayan alignment. The phenomenon is called the “polar shift,” in which the entire mantle of the earth would shift in a matter of days or perhaps hours during such galactic events, causing positions of the north and south pole to change, further causing worldwide disaster, earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, and other natural disasters.
Accordingly, several eclectic authors claim that a major, world-changing event will take place in 2012!
Even the book “The Orion Prophecy” claims that the Earth’s magnetic field will reverse, which further supports the Polar Shift Theory besides the prediction of Merlin that also suggests a polar shift. NASA predicts that during 2012, as the Sun reaches the end of the current 11-year sunspot cycle, it will reverse its own magnetic poles, which may further amplify the effects of magnetic field on earth as harmful charged particles blast away from the sun (also known as solar storming).

Planet Eris or Planet X or NibiruPlanet Eris/”Nibiru” or Planet-X and the Global warming: This theory suggests that the real cause of climate changes, volcanic activities, and intensification of the seismic activity etc. is the planet Eris’s getting closer to our solar system once in 3600 years, named as 2003-UB-313, which ultimately results in the melting of the glaciers! This Planet Eris or so called “Nibiru” was first observed in October 21, 2003, using 1.22 m Oschin telescope at Mount Palomar Observatory (California). It is said to have passed between Mars and Jupiter some 7200 years ago, which most probably had triggered the cataclysm “Noah’s flood” and again this will be at the close proximity to Earth between 2010 and 2012, which can cause massive melting of the glaciers, causing huge tidal waves and ultimately, the return of the Noah’s flood!
I Ching: Another sets of factors backing up this December 21, 2012 Doomsday is the I Ching prophecy. Despite the views of skeptics, the 5000 years old I Ching has become an oracle of the doomsday. The highs and lows of the I Ching graphs seems to have accurately corresponded to the fall of the roman empire, discover of the new world, and world wars of the 20th century, and the strangest things of all was, the time line came to an end to the exact specific date, December 21, 2012! Is it a coincidence that both prophecies of I Ching and Mayan Calendar came to the same exact date and time? In fact, many world’s religions and most famous prophets reference that something cataclysmic will happen around December 21, 2012. The medieval predictions of Merlin, The Book of Revelation, and the well-known Chinese Oracle of the “I Ching” all point to this specific date as the end of civilization.

The Bible Code & Nostradamus Prophesies: According to the certain algorithms of Bible code, a meteor,asteroid, or comet will soon collide with the Earth.
Everybody knows the Nostradamus prophesies, that have very accurately predicting many world leaders rising to power and major events in the past. His prophesies were accurate in predicting the demise of the World Trade Centers in 2001 as well.
Even the book “The Nostradamus Code” further speaks of a series of natural disasters caused by some kind of a “comet” and those studying the Prophecies of Nostradamus states that he might have further indicated the possibility of a “Third World War” where nuclear wars can create “comet-like” mass destructions everywhere
So are we going to have a Third World War? At the current scenario, it seems we might have - proving the Nostradamus Prophesies.
Even the high-tech oracles which is not even human, i.e., “Web-Bots” are predicting the end of the world as December 21, 2012, besides the Mayan, I Ching, Merlin, Book Of Revelation, etc. Is it just a coincidence or a meaningless pattern of random events?
Mayan Calendar: The ancient Mayan calendar states that the world will end in December 21, 2012. The Mayan civilization flourished in Central America from the 6 A.D. to 9 A.D. They were obsessed with time-keeping, and in fact, their calender were so incredibly precise that its interlocking time scales of lunar, solar, and planetary cycles could accurately predict solar/lunar eclipses thousands of years into the future. This accurate calendar however mysteriously ends on December 21, 2012!
It states that on December 21, 2012, the sun rises on the dark rift of the center of the milky way which is referred to as a black hole. In the last five years, the western astronomers have in fact discovered that there is in fact an enormous black hole at the center of our milky way galaxy. The contemporary astronomers concur with the Mayans. On 21st of December, 2012, the Earth will be in exact alignment with the Sun and the center of our milky way galaxy, a galactic event which takes place only once every 25,800 years! No one knows what effect this extraordinary alignment will have on our planet, but the Mayans believe it would be terrible!
The Polar Shift Theory

The Polar Shift Theory: Geophysicists have a theory that is strikingly similar to the events predicted by the Mayan alignment. The phenomenon is called the “polar shift,” in which the entire mantle of the earth would shift in a matter of days or perhaps hours during such galactic events, causing positions of the north and south pole to change, further causing worldwide disaster, earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, and other natural disasters.
Accordingly, several eclectic authors claim that a major, world-changing event will take place in 2012!
Even the book “The Orion Prophecy” claims that the Earth’s magnetic field will reverse, which further supports the Polar Shift Theory besides the prediction of Merlin that also suggests a polar shift. NASA predicts that during 2012, as the Sun reaches the end of the current 11-year sunspot cycle, it will reverse its own magnetic poles, which may further amplify the effects of magnetic field on earth as harmful charged particles blast away from the sun (also known as solar storming).

Planet Eris or Planet X or NibiruPlanet Eris/”Nibiru” or Planet-X and the Global warming: This theory suggests that the real cause of climate changes, volcanic activities, and intensification of the seismic activity etc. is the planet Eris’s getting closer to our solar system once in 3600 years, named as 2003-UB-313, which ultimately results in the melting of the glaciers! This Planet Eris or so called “Nibiru” was first observed in October 21, 2003, using 1.22 m Oschin telescope at Mount Palomar Observatory (California). It is said to have passed between Mars and Jupiter some 7200 years ago, which most probably had triggered the cataclysm “Noah’s flood” and again this will be at the close proximity to Earth between 2010 and 2012, which can cause massive melting of the glaciers, causing huge tidal waves and ultimately, the return of the Noah’s flood!
I Ching: Another sets of factors backing up this December 21, 2012 Doomsday is the I Ching prophecy. Despite the views of skeptics, the 5000 years old I Ching has become an oracle of the doomsday. The highs and lows of the I Ching graphs seems to have accurately corresponded to the fall of the roman empire, discover of the new world, and world wars of the 20th century, and the strangest things of all was, the time line came to an end to the exact specific date, December 21, 2012! Is it a coincidence that both prophecies of I Ching and Mayan Calendar came to the same exact date and time? In fact, many world’s religions and most famous prophets reference that something cataclysmic will happen around December 21, 2012. The medieval predictions of Merlin, The Book of Revelation, and the well-known Chinese Oracle of the “I Ching” all point to this specific date as the end of civilization.

The Bible Code & Nostradamus Prophesies: According to the certain algorithms of Bible code, a meteor,asteroid, or comet will soon collide with the Earth.
Everybody knows the Nostradamus prophesies, that have very accurately predicting many world leaders rising to power and major events in the past. His prophesies were accurate in predicting the demise of the World Trade Centers in 2001 as well.
Even the book “The Nostradamus Code” further speaks of a series of natural disasters caused by some kind of a “comet” and those studying the Prophecies of Nostradamus states that he might have further indicated the possibility of a “Third World War” where nuclear wars can create “comet-like” mass destructions everywhere
So are we going to have a Third World War? At the current scenario, it seems we might have - proving the Nostradamus Prophesies.
Even the high-tech oracles which is not even human, i.e., “Web-Bots” are predicting the end of the world as December 21, 2012, besides the Mayan, I Ching, Merlin, Book Of Revelation, etc. Is it just a coincidence or a meaningless pattern of random events?
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