Saturday, September 24, 2011

December 21, 2012 - the Mayans and Nostradamus

December 21, 2012: Judgment Day
Science can neither confirm nor can it discredit the validity of a lot of rumors and
religiously or prophetically deemed judgment days of the future, the soonest of which will be arriving December 21, 2012, also marking the final day of the Mayan Calendar.

The end of the world—2012, Is it really?

"Never before in history has one date or one moment in time been so significant to so many religions, so many cultures, so many scientists, so many governments and so many people around the world. The past few years have shownas the next few aparently will, where the planet will encounter a dramatic increase in floods, droughts, hurricanes, tsunamis, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, global warming, famine, human sufferring, disease, disregard for human life, wars and rumors of wars, increased terrorist attacks, increased nuclear threat, increased belief of the emergence of the antichrist. Is this part of of the many prophecies known around the world. Or, does this have something to do with what many conspiracy theorirsts believe in regards to things such as the MK-Ultra mind-control project, or other things related to what is known by many as The New World Order.

Many people translate from history that the ancient mayans foretold of earth's final day and end date calendar.

Yes, the planets do align every year, (Take a look at our EIT solar system to get a better and clearer picture of this.) but On December solstices in the years around 2012, the sun will be aligning with the great white band of the Milky Way, within the confines of the Nuclear Bulge or also termed the Galactic Center. This "galactic alignment" occurs only once every 26,000 years. The Mayans Long count calendar ( the end of the 13-baktun period ) is also slated to occur on December 21, 2012. This is the so-called "end date" of the Mayan calendar, and simply a start of a new long date calendar.

Coincidence of Mayan calendar expiring the same day.They probably knew this planet alignment to an exact date, they were great at math and of course astrology. Surely considered it a bench mark for a new era and a need for a new calender and not actually a prediction for 2012 apocalypse.

They had 13 different calendars? The Mayans weren't alone Also....Sumerians, Tibetans, Egyptians, Cherokees, Hopi, all refer to this same 26,000 year cycle. There is probaly no deep or hidden meaning. Or, a warning to man and his 12:60 calender and our effect on nature. Change is needed. Old and new science along with ancient Mayan calendars tell us there will be an alignment with us and the center of the Milky way Dec. 21, 2012 natural change in the Earths "Chandler Wobble”. I think this may be a start of a long gradual process which takes 25,800 years to go around. There is also another wobble, created by the Moon; similar idea, except that it has a period of 19 years and it is called " nutation "

December 21, 2012: Judgment Day
Science can neither confirm nor discredit the validity of a lot of rumours and religiously or prophetically deemed judgment days of the future, the soonest of which will be arriving December 21, 2012, also marking the final day of the Mayan Calendar.

On a related note: Those of you who have seen the documentary film “Zeitgeist” may remember and those of you who haven't should watch it. The sun, as far back as 10,000 B.C.? has been part of cave wall drawings and is something that people have adored since. And of course because it is the one thing that we know which gives life, and gives light. Without it we can't see our enemies, our predators and we wouldn't have the food we need in order to survive, live and reproduce. Just as people then, as now were aware of the sun they were also aware of the stars.? Aware of things such as full moons and eclipses and wrote all these things down and listed them and placed these celestial groups as what we know now to be constellations.
One of the oldest images known to us is an image of the zodiac (Libra, Virgo, Pisces, etc.). It shows the sun as it passes over the 12 major constellations over the year, also the months, the soltaces and equinoxes. Theseconstellations were personfied as figures or animals. So the early people notonly labelled these they also needed to personify them, with the sun, being in the center and being the 'God Sun” the light and creator of the world—the saviour of the people. Therefore the 12 consteallations represented where the sun travelled, represented by these figures and names. For example, Aquarius, the holder of water, which brings us water in Spring.

The sun was seen by all as a life giver and life saviour. As we travel and study the history of the World we will note deities such as Horus, the God Sun of Egypt around 3,000 B.C. We know that Horus meant sun or light and that he had an enemy named Set. Set was the personification of night, or dark. So in Egypt Horus (light) every morning won the fight against Set (dark) and likewise Set won the battles every evening. Such stories of light versus dark or good versus evil is one of the most known stories of duality and we know that this continues to exist in various forms today. As history, or in my case the Zeitgeist documentary as a main source, tells us Horus was born on the 25th of December from a virgin from a star in the east. He was adorned by 3 kings, was a teacher at age 12 and babtized at 30. Horus had 12 desciples which he travelled with performing miracles. He? was known via many other names as well such as “The Light”? or the “Lamb of God”. After being betrayed by one of his aposotles he was crucified, buried for 3 days and the resurrected.
These attributes of his seem to have been in many places around the world as well. For example Attis in Greece, 1200 B.C., born from a virgin on December 25th, crucified, dead for 3 days and resurected. Krishna, 900 B.C. born from a virgin from a star in the east, performed miracles and upon his death was resurected. Similar stories go with Dionysus 500BC, Mithra of Persia, 12000BC. The fact being there are numerous, dozens of such figures from all over the world which? have incredibly similar stories and traits. So the question is, why these traits and stories? Why, for example the virgin birth on December 25th, Why dead for 3 days and resurrection? Why 12 desciples?

All we had to do is take a look at the most recent of these deities—Jesus. Who was born on December 25th, had 3 kings, born from a virgin, had 12 desciples, performed miracles, died for 3 days and then was resurected. So why all these similarities amongst all these gods around the world over and over again? To begin with the birth sequence is astrological. The star in the East is Sirius, the brightest star which on December 24th alligns with the 3 other brightest starsknown as Orions belt. These 3 stars are known today as they were in ancient times as the 3 kings. The 3 kings and the brightest star Sirius all point to the sun on sunrise on December 25th. That is why the 3 kings “follow” the star in the east—the birth of the sun/son. The Virgin Mary is part of the constealltion Virgo (Latin for virgin). The ancient glyph for Virgo is an M (with a loop thatlooks like a fish). This is why Jesus' mother was called Mary along with the mothers of other dieities such as Adonus' mother Myrra or Budha's mother Maya, all beginning with 'M'. Virgo was also known as the “House of bread”. Virgo is shown as holding wheat. This period of time is represented in August and September, the time of harvest. The word Bethlehem, in Israel where jesus was born, literally translates as house of bread. Bethlehem is therefore a refernce to the constillation Virgo, aplace in the sky and not on earth.

The other thing we know is that from the summer solstace to the winter solstace days become shorter and colder, and from the northern hemisphere perspective, many things die, therefore this time of the year is a symbol of death—Historically, celestially it was also, obviously, the death of the sun. And by December 22nd the sun is at its lowest point in the sky. On this date it appears as if the sun stops moving south for 3 days. If we look at the stars at this point in time, the sun resides in the vicinity of the southern cross. (See figure 1.)
2012 the judgement day

Figure 1- taken from Zeitgeist

?And after this time, December 25th the sun moves north by one degree, beginning longer days, therefore warmth, therefore spring, therefore birth of life again.
And so it was written that the sun/son was dead for 3 days, only to be resurected. This is why many religions share the 3day death and resurection concept—the sun moves bringing spring and along with it salvation (food). However this is not celebrated until spring or the spring equinox, also known as Easter. This is when the sun actually overpowers the dark evil as day time begins to be longer than night time.

Back to the topic in hand, 2012, we need to conitnue looking at the bible, or other similar writings, which mention again and again “The Age”--The harvest is the end of the age(Matt 24:3) In this age and the age to come (Luke 18:30). The anciant egyptians along with many other cultures before them and after them recognized that there is something called and known as the “Procession of the equinoxes” and that aproximately every 2150 years that the sun rise in the morning in the Spring Equinox would occur at a different side of the zodiac. The amount of time for the procession to go through all 12 signs is aproximately 25600 years. This is also called “The Great Year.” And ancient societies knew of this quite well and referred to each 2150-year period as an age.? From 4300BC to 2150BC it was the age of Taurus, the bull, from 2150BC to 180BC it was the age of Aries, the ram, from 180BC to 2150AD it is the age of Pisces. And around 2150, we enter the new age, theage of Aquarius.
The bible, in the old testament, mentions 3 ages and looks forward to a 4th age. In one story when Moses comes down from Mount Sainai holding the 10 commandments he is extrememly upset at seeing the people worshipping a golden bull calf. He shatters the tablets and asks the people to kill themselves along with others (Exodus 32)in order to purify themselves. So the story goes in the bible but the golden bull of moses represents another bull, a ram known in the stars as Aries, and this is a period in time where it is the end of the age of the bull and the coming of a new age, that of the? pisces or the age where the birth of Jesus comes to view. The fish symbolism is all over the place in the new testament.

When Jesus is asked about the next age he says “Behold, when ye are entered into the city, the shall a man meet you bearing a pitcher of water. Follow him into the house where he entereth in.” Luke 22:10. The man bearing the pitcher of water is Aquarius. In other words all jesus is saying is that after the age of Pisces is the age of Aquarius.
In Matt 28;20 Jesus says “I will be with you even to the end of the aeon (age). In other words his pisces will end when the sun enters the age of aquarius.
In other words the entire concept of the “end of the world” is a misinterpreted astrological allegory. Now tell that to the millions of people who believe the end of the world is coming, or the whole 2012 phenomena.

mayan calendar 2012 prediction prophecy

Mayan calendar 20122012 doomsday
End of the world 20122012 prediction

2012 The movie trailer




1.) Q - What will happen in December 21, 2012? Is the world really going to end?

A – There is a great deal of information surrounding the date 12-21-12 that would be in your best interests to read and comprehend. Exactly what will happen on this date is not so easily or quickly answered. There are many different schools of thought and complicated pieces of evidence that interconnect and bring us to the conclusion that the date December 21, 2012 is of huge significance to the future of humanity. What you and every person around the globe does between now and that date, could have a great deal to do with whether the world will end or not. There is a definite need for knowledge to formulate your plans and prepare for the winter solstice of the year 2012.

2.) Q - Is 2012 just another "End of The World" scare? What makes this date any different?

A – The simple truth is that the “End of the World” is not a scare tactic. It has been common knowledge of all human cultures since ancient times that the world will one day end. No one is 100% certain what will happen on December 21, 2012. There is a huge significance in this date because ancient knowledge, lunar-solar records, cosmic events among many other things that are happening in our world. The galaxy holds the key to natural events on Earth, celestial activity is not something humanity or governments can control. 2012 could be the end of the world or the beginning of a fresh new era.

3.) Q - Is there really a planet called Nibiru AKA (Planet X) that will get close to the Earth in 2012?

A – Before modern technical advances, it was known that there existed proof of more planets in our solar system. The evidence comes from ancient records. Just as the Mayan calendar and other ancient cultures’ have proven to be accurate, there is no reason to doubt that the ancient solar maps are wrong. The study of space is a new science that we continue to make new discoveries all the time. NASA probes found the perturbations of a planet beyond Pluto years ago. In February of 2008, the impression of a planet was discovered beyond Pluto and recorded in the Astronomical Journal, making it an official precedence. This planet is currently believed to be almost as large as Earth, further proving the fact that there is a 10th planet in our solar system. Just how close it will be to Earth in 2012 is not yet known but there is no reason to believe that it will not swiftly approach Earth. The ancients knew it was there and that it would return in 3500 years.

4.) Q - Will there be a Galactic alignment in 2012?

A – Every day brings a new galactic alignment, which is the basis for the four seasons and the affect each planet in our solar system has on Earth. The Mayan calendar did accurately predict the galactic alignment for December 21, 2012. With the most advanced astronomical software used by institutions around the globe today, the galactic alignment shown for the end date of the Mayan Long Count is accurate. The center of the Milky Way will align with the ellipses of our solar system again in conjunction with an eclipse and a highly irregular planetary crossing.

5.) Q - What does Nostradamus say about 2012?

A – Nostradamus has a great deal to say about horrific events and catastrophes that were futuristic to him, and already historical to us today. His most important messages were encoded in his drawings which are more difficult to understand than the quatrains in his prophecies. Our present times are reflected in the watercolor highlighted drawings found in the Lost Book of Nostradamus. In 2012: Official Countdown Guide you’ll will learn why Notradamus encoded his prophecies and how his message echoes that of indigenous people’s beliefs about what humanity is facing right now.

6.) Q - Does the Mayan calendar end December 21, 2012? Is the Mayan prophecies true?

A – Yes, the Long Count calendar of the ancient Mayans does end on the winter solstice of the year 2012. The Long Count calendar began mapping the heavens on the day that this current era of Earth began over 5120 years ago. All scientific evidence has shown the Mayan Long Count astronomical predictions to be accurate. The last time the planets were in this alignment was 26,000 years ago. December 21, 2012 is a date of amazing historical significance and the end of a complete time cycle.

7.) Q - WIll a comet hit the earth and destroy everything?

A – Nostradamus has prophesized a comet hitting Earth and causing grave destruction and suffering. New comets could enter our solar system at any given time. In the past 6 months, three new comets have been discovered by amateur astronomers. All three have been verified officially. The frequency of the appearance of comets appears to be on the rise. We have no way of knowing when the next destructive comet could be propelled into our solar system, and become a Near Earth Object without warning. The latest new comet appeared on June 18, 2009 and was named Comet P/2009.

8.) Q - Is this web site an attempt to scare people to buy products through fear of global catastrophe?

A – It is not hard to see that we are now at a cosmic juncture that will have widespread dramatic effects on the world as we know it. Ignoring the signs and information would be plain foolishness. We have historical records that prove each global catastrophe has reduced the population of humanity to near nothing. In every instance, it was only the informed, enlightened and those who were prepared that survived these events. How much proof do you need to realize that the way things are, will change dramatically? It wouldn’t be wise to trust what is allowed to be made public by the mainstream media. The important point here is worth repeating in an outstanding way:

9.) Q - Why are you selling information about 2012

A – There is an incredible amount of relevant information connected to the knowledge of ancient cultures, cosmic awareness and the galactic effect of our solar system on the quality of life on planet Earth. As we are already aware, only a few people have ever survived previous world wide catastrophes on Earth. Enlightenment can only be gained by the absorption of knowledge. It was those who were prepared in advance for what these events brought about that were the founders of the next era of civilization on our planet. The 2012 information amassed was compiled as a guide for those who understand that the end of our current time cycle is best approached with eyes wide open.

10.) Q - What exactly do I get when I join 2012 Official Countdown?

A – Membership grants you full access to the summarized 2012 Official Countdown Report, along with the complete and unabridged 2012: Official Countdown Guide. The complete guide to the events leading up to and predicted to take effect on December 21, 2012 you will receive is the culmination of thousands of hours of research. Additionally you will receive our 2012 Survival Guide and our full audio report on the issues and information regarding the swiftly approaching date of 12-21-12.

Nostradamus 2012 com

Nostradamus 2012
In 2012, a rare and possibly Earth-shattering astrological alignment is due to occur that will precipitate a cataclysmic event. Whatever is in store -- a massive cosmic collision, a global environmental disaster, an Armageddon-like religious showdown, or a more subtle transformation -- there have been multiple predictions from different times and cultures that December 21, 2012 will mark a major shift in the history of our planet.

NOSTRADAMUS: 2012 takes a detailed investigation of this chilling prophecy. This explosive two-hour sequel picks up where The Lost Book of Nostradamus left off. NOSTRADAMUS: 2012 seeks answers to key critical questions that may loom in just four years: Is there any modern scientific proof that such an alignment will indeed happen? Is any other compelling evidence throughout history that 2012 will be a year of unprecedented, even deadly, upheaval?

There is no disputing that we are a planet in crisis, and that there is a growing public obsession with 2012. But there is no cogent distinction between the sobering facts and hysterical fiction. What, if any, is the scientific ballast that substantiates the fears? NOSTRADAMUS: 2012 will look for the parallels between the nightmarish daily headlines and the 2012 prophecies from Nostradamus and others.

From the mystical realms of the Guatemalan jungles to the high-tech corridors of NASA; from the Hopi elders and Mayan shaman to the most respected thinkers of the modern age; from the symbology of the ancient pyramids in Mexico and Egypt to that of the gothic cathedrals and monuments of Europe -- the 2012 doomsday warning will be cast in a frighteningly modern context. December 21, 2012 is bearing down on us with alarming speed - and whether or not we are able to collectively heed the warnings and affect a course to avert disaster may be the defining moment of the modern age.

December 21, 2012 Mayan Calendar End-Date

21 December 2012
Information Made Easy for the Everyday Earthling to Understand

Jim Papp a.k.a. Rock Boy
Seattle, Earth - December 9, 1998

Most of us are not archaeologists or astronomers, anthropologists or astrologers. Yet the majority of what is written about one of the most exciting and relevant subjects of our day - the approaching Winter Solstice 2012 end-date of the Mayan Calendar - appears in words aimed at specialists and couched in language that can be hard to read. This article is written for the Everyday Earthling who may be hearing a lot about the Mayans, their calendars, hieroglyphs and mysterious temples scattered throughout the jungles of Mexico, Guatemala, Belize and Honduras.

Let us begin with some questions. Why is there so much talk about the "end of the Mayan calendar" and what does it mean? Is there something significant we should know about the Winter Solstice date of December 21, 2012? How were the Mayans able to track long periods of time and why would they want to? Why should we care about the Mayans today? Is there anything we can learn from them? I'll begin by sharing how my own interest in the subject developed and go on from there.

I first learned about the Mayans in 1987 from Jose Arguelles' book The Mayan Factor. It was during the months leading up to the event known as Harmonic Convergence that Arguelles, artist and visionary, introduced me to the 20 Mayan daysigns and the thirteen Mayan numbers - and to the wonderfully engaging and mysterious 260 day Mayan ceremonial calendar, called the Tzolkin (pronounced chol-kin). My pursuit of knowledge about pre-Columbian culture had begun.

A great deal of scientific and visionary research work has been done about the Mayans, so I started reading. I learned that the Mayans tracked cycles within cycles within cycles of time. Their calendar acted as a harmonic calibrator, linking and coordinating the earthly, lunar, solar and galactic seasons in an aesthetically simple and elegant manner. The provocative simplicity of the daysigns and the sheer harmony of the calendar drew me in. Then a landmark article by John Major Jenkins appeared in Mountain Astrologer magazine in 1994, revealing for the first time in our era the true meaning of the end-date.

Is there something significant we should know about the Winter Solstice date of December 21, 2012? Yes. On this day a rare astronomical and Mayan mythical event occurs. In astronomic terms, the Sun conjuncts the intersection of the Milky Way and the plane of the ecliptic. The Milky Way, as most of us know, extends in a general north-south direction in the night sky. The plane of the ecliptic is the track the Sun, Moon, planets and stars appear to travel in the sky, from east to west. It intersects the Milky Way at a 60 degree angle near the constellation Sagittarius.

The cosmic cross formed by the intersecting Milky Way and plane of the ecliptic was called the Sacred Tree by the Maya. The trunk of the tree, the Axis Mundi, is the Milky Way, and the main branch intersecting the tree is the plane of the ecliptic. Mythically, at sunrise on December 21, 2012, the Sun - our Father - rises to conjoin the center of the Sacred Tree, the World Tree, the Tree of Life..

This rare astronomical event, foretold in the Mayan creation story of the Hero Twins, and calculated empircally by them, will happen for many of us in our lifetime. The Sun has not conjoined the Milky Way and the plane of the ecliptic since some 25,800 years ago, long before the Mayans arrived on the scene and long before their predecessors the Olmecs arrived. What does this mean?

Due to a phenomenon called the precession of the equinoxes, caused by the Earth's wobble that lasts almost 26,000 years, the apparent location of the Winter Solstice sunrise has been ever so slowly moving toward the Galactic Center. Precession may be understood by watching a spinning top. Over many revolutions the top will rise and dip on its axis, not unlike how the Earth does over an extremely long period of time. One complete rise and dip constitutes the cycle of precession.

The Mayans noticed the relative slippage of the positions of stars in the night sky over long periods of observation, indicative of precession, and foretold this great coming attraction. By using an invention called the Long Count, the Mayans fast-forwarded to anchor December 21, 2012 as the end of their Great Cycle and then counted backwards to decide where the calendar would begin. Thus the Great Cycle we are currently in began on August 11, 3114 B.C. But there's more.

The Great Cycle, lasting 1,872,000 days and equivalent to 5,125.36 years, is but one fifth of the Great Great Cycle, known scientifically as the Great Year or the Platonic Year - the length of the precession of the equinoxes. To use a metaphor from the modern industrial world, on Winter Solstice A.D. 2012 it is as if the Giant Odometer of Humanity on Earth hits 100,000 miles and all the cycles big and small turn over to begin anew. The present world age will end and a new world age will begin.

Over a year's time the Sun transits through the twelve houses of the zodiac. Many of us know this by what "Sun sign" is associated with our birthday. Upping the scale to the Platonic Year - the 26,000 year long cycle - we are shifting, astrologically, from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius. The Mayan calendar does not really "end" in 2012, but rather, all the cycles turn over and start again, vibrating to a new era. It is as if humanity and the Earth will graduate in the eyes of the Father Sun and Grandmother Milky Way.

Why should we care about the Mayans today? Is there anything we can learn from them? The trees give us oxygen to breathe and help create the nourishing rains upon which we depend, sustaining life. We are missing these rains in places where the trees have been cut down or burned. Fires begin that nature can no longer extinguish. For the Mayans, trees were intermediaries between the physical and spiritual worlds, and absolutely essential to life. They believed that without the tree man could not survive and that "with the death of the last tree comes the death of the human race."

The ancient carved stones and the stars themselves tell us we are on the brink of a new world age. There is no reason not to take a leap of faith into imagining what may be in store. We may trust that it is time for humanity to awaken into a true partnership with each other, with the Earth, and the Cosmos. By accepting this partnership we may claim our birthright and become Galactic Citizens who care for and sustain the planet, thus sustaining ourselves. This is clearly the challenge of our times. Yet, arriving just in time and on schedule is the Winter Solstice dawn on the day we may remember that we are truly Children of the World.